Cherry Blossoms for St. Patty’s Day ! LOL

  I know.. Cherry Blossoms and St. Patty’s Day.. it makes NO sense… but I didn’t know what else to call this post!  I couldn’t resist taking a walk today to photograph all the gorgeous Cherry Blossoms in our neighborhood!  Hey, Angela.. you can see some of these from your window’s too! 🙂

I took 51 photos in a couple of minutes (thank God for digital!) and really had a hard time narrowing down my favorites.. here are a few of them.  For everyone in snow right now, I hope you enjoy this little peek into Spring!








Which one is your favorite?


29 thoughts on “Cherry Blossoms for St. Patty’s Day ! LOL”

  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you! We still have lots of snow here so it is nice to see some colour other than white!! I can almost smell them!

  2. You can’t seriously be asking a person from Wisconsin who is still surrounded by snow to choose a favorite! They are all gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just gorgeous! #5 photo is my fav. Love it close up. I am so jealous we had snow this morning. Spring sucks here in the NEPA, it basically consists of wet snow, rain and mud. We haven’t seen the sun in days. Thanx for sharing! Stacy

  4. Beautiful pictures, Patty – I love them all! I still have at least 3 feet of snow on my lawn, so I love seeing such vibrant pictures! BTW, Tag! You’re it! Check my blog for details!

  5. If that doesn’t make a person jealous – I don’t know what would. I am in Saskatchewan, Canada and most of the snow is melting (still at -17 Celsius tonight) but EVERYTHING is gray and not a pretty gray. Blech! It is hard to believe that some people are lucky enough to have those beautiful blossoms to look at and all I can see is ugly gray snow. At least your pictures perked me up. Thanks.

  6. HI Patty….WOW, your pictures are stunning!!! How lucky of you….I think the first one is my favourite! Living in Canada I would be happy to see anything other then snow right now! Thanks for sharing. Raquel~

  7. I like them all but the third one is special. What a treat and thanks so much for sharing them. Gorgeous!
    (Tiger…..with lots of snow….)

  8. Your photos are beautiful! Lucky you to have those wonderful blossoms. 🙂 We’re not going to see spring for a few weeks yet, but with the few warm days we’ve had lately, we know it’s heading our way here in Wyoming.
    Karen L

  9. OH my goodness your photos are wonderful ..
    Looks like I could really just reach out and touch them from here 🙂
    how many do you have of these Cherry blossom trees girlie .. They are BEAUTIFUL!!
    Dawn Griffith

  10. I live in Florida but I lived for 30 years in northern Illinois winters before moving to Florida, so I love the mild winters, early springs, and flowers blooming so early. I love the pics and the 4th one from the top is my fave. TFS.

  11. These are ALL beautiful! I wish I could get a sense of the beautiful smell, too! The crystal blue sky is gorgeous as a backdrop. And, to think we are getting snow right now…

  12. The cherry trees are GORGEOUS and really make me anxious for Spring to arrive around here. The snow is almost gone and we have had temps in the 40s (woohoo!)…I did see a few crocous’ popping their heads out of the ground. Soon…..

  13. Patty, they are all stunning! I don’t think I have ever seen a cherry tree bloom that pretty! I can’t decide between #4 or #5. I love that you can see the sky on #4, but I LOVE the close up on #5.
    Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pictures with us! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too!
    Hugs and smiles

  14. Oh my, that make me want spring to hurry up and come here. We still have snow, but there is signs of it warming up. Can’t wait. Love your blog…..

  15. Goodness, I can’t tell you how much these pics are a welcome sight. I live in Vermont and still buried in snow. Always wanted to go to DC to see the cherry blossom festival. Thanks for the mental break!

  16. Well it snowed here again in Ontario today….so every one of these photos is absolutely beautiful….I can hardly wait for spring! Thanks for giving me an early peak!


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