JB’s birthday card

Right before we left on the Stampin’ Up! cruise, our son celebrated his 17th birthday.  I didn’t have time to share the card I made for him before we left, so I wanted to do that now.   I used our 3×3 Mini Envelopes (pg 167 in the catalog) and tucked in each flap, decorated them with paper from the Western Sky DSP pack, then bound them with my Bind It All machine.  Inside each pouch, we put a bill: a $1, $5, $10, $20 and $50.  Jason exclaimed he would have liked 6 pouches… and we said, "well then there would have been a $2 in there!" LOL  Get it?  hee hee







Check out these FAB photos from the ship’s photographer on the cruise… wow.. I love these!!  You are one handsome dude, JB! 🙂






23 thoughts on “JB’s birthday card”

  1. This is great! My son graduates from college next month so I plan on making this ‘card’ for him. Thank you so much for all the work you put into creating your web site.

  2. Patty what a fantastic money card/book!!
    You are DA BOMB girlfriend!!!
    Very handsome son, he looks very comfortable in front of the camera, and the camera likes him!!!
    (I think your post today equals 3!! LOL)

  3. Very clever card, your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Yep, you’ve got one handsome dude there, and he’s got red hair! What’s not to like!?! I’d like to ditto the remark above about your blog. I’ve been doing a lot of blurfing and yours is the best! Ermajean

  4. HOLY Moly what a cutie pie .. sooo handsome ..I just love men in Black suits such a STUD!! 🙂 .. Love your 3×3 holder thingy Just darling .. I can only imagine why he wanted 6 files .. HUMMM maybe for $100.00 what a sweet momma you are girlie .. Do you want ot adopt me ?
    Love ya
    Dawn Griffith

  5. I love the “card”…so cute that you made them from 3×3 envelopes!!!! And the pictures…WOW!…gives me a preview of how quickly my Alex will be turning into a young adult…sheesh…speaking of which…my boy’s bday is Friday…yikes…Cupcake Day at school!!!

  6. Oh, such a clever idea to hold the money, I am sur any receiver will be thrilled (regardless the money amount)
    Welcome back from the trip, I surely miss your creative work everyday!

  7. Wow…you are SO TALENTED! This is such a great idea and I believe you are definitely selling me on the Bind it All! I LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow this book is absoutely AMAZING!!!! What a wonderful keepsake for him ! The photos of JP are truly handsome…what a great opportunity to get professional pictures of him !

  9. Love the card you did for your son. How clever! That would make a great gift for my grandson since he just loves to get money and shop for his own choices. I just ordered 3 x 3 envelopes from SU but mine don’t look like yours with the money tucked in. Any secrets to this? Also, do you have a link to the bind it all machine? I could google it,… that looks like it would be pretty handy. You do such great projects! TFS

  10. This is fabulous Patty – I just saw Kathleen’s take on this, and just love this – I am definitely trying my hand at one of these….thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  11. I think he looks like David the American Idol dude. Except the hair color he could pass for him in the B/W photo.
    Kiss him for me! He Looks like a star!
    Debi Pippin


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