I need a personal moment today….
Today is the 2nd anniversary of the day my mom went to be in Heaven. I was getting really sad leading up to this day, but then on Sunday, one of our Pastors gave a wonderful sermon reminding us to be Joyful and to always view the cup half full. This really helped me turn my thinking around and instead of sadness, I began to think about how thankful I am for my mom. What a wonderful example of a Christian woman who taught my brother, dad and I about the love of Jesus and about God’s grace! Thank you mom above all for that, and for being home every day when I came home from school, for teaching me so many wonderful crafts, for sharing your love of your garden and of travel with me, for encouraging me to strive to always do my best, and for always believing in me. I love you!
And thank you for leaving me with these comforting words in a daily devotion book.. no better words could have been written for this day – July 8th …
“On the wings of prayer our burdens take flight – our load of care becomes bearably light.”
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let you fall. ~ Psalms 55:22
“Today with prayer the rough and trying times can be made bearable”.
Wow.. my mom knew I’d need those words every year on this day.. thank you Lord for mending my heart and Thank You Mom for being the amazing lady I was lucky enough to call “mom”.
Dear Patti, what a beautiful tribute to your mom. There is an old Indian saying, something like….”those are not gone, who live on in our hearts”. I think of that often when I think of my own dad – whom I still miss every day. I believe that he is not gone, that we did not say “goodbye”. We said “see ya later”, and that gets me through each day. I believe you, too, will see your mom again one day. Bless you, Patti, on this day. My thoughts – and prayers – will be with you today. Thanks for sharing your mom with us. Lots of love,
How beautiful! It brought back all the memories of my mom! It seems like never a day goes by that you are thinking of your wonderful mom. I bet she was a wonderful lady!Today is a good day to just reminise of all the wonderful times you had together. I know there must have been many!
Truly a wonderful tribute to your mother Patty! No one can ever take the place of your mom and my thoughts and prayers are with you today – what a blessing that the scriptures in the devotion are so true today. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and my prayers will be with you today!
Special thoughts and prayers for you today my sweets
Dawn Griffith
Beautiful, Patty!! It has been 17 years for me, and my Mom is still in my thoughts every day.
Good morning Patty – God bless on this day and everyday. I’ll be thinking of and praying for you today.
That was beautiful! Your mother was a wonderful inspiration to you and it shows! God bless!
Your words are a beautiful tribute of your mom and to the Lord’s love and grace.
Wonderful tribute!!!! My Mom has been gone 10 years, June 25th….and I still think of her almost daily. I don’t think we ever get over losing our parents, yet time does seem to make it hurt less.
If I had any advice to anyone that still has their parents….find out all you can about them and when they were growing up, NOW, because after they are gone, it’s too late to ask questions. I wish I had asked more questions. I was too busy enjoying the NOW with them.
How beautiful Patty!! We just lost my husband’s father this morning to cancer. He is finally at peace. We just found him on Father’s Day this year. This will be a day to remember and always be with us!!
Love Heidi
What a loving tribute to your Mom, who sounds like everything you are as well.
Special thoughts of love go your way today. God has sent many angels to you to comfort you today. Stay in the moment and live through the wonderful memories of your mom, you deserve to cherish this moment. God Bless you Patty! Your mom did very well with you!!! Thank you for always being an open spirit that you are!!
Love & hugs!!
What a great tribute to your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you today.
I can see you in your mom. She must have been an amazing woman to raise a daughter like you. God Bless her…I hope she’s met my Granny in heaven.
Thank you for sharing a special part of you with all of us. I’m sure you have inspired someone today to see the cup half full and even though I don’t know you, just describing how your Mother was with you, some how shows the person that you are, especially when you share your love for crafts and your beautiful flowers, thats a gift only a Mother can show you. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Beautiful Tribute to your Beautiful Mom!!!
What a lovely person she was!! Lucky you to have had her for your Mom!!!
Thank you for sharing with us about your mother! What a special person she was and what wonderful thoughts you (and her) shared with us. You are in my thoughts today and I will hug my mom extra long!
What a wonderful tribute to your Mother, Patty! Thank you for sharing this with us.
Patty, What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. The 5th anniversary of my Mom leaving this earth is Friday. I was feeling really down yesterday, and finally realized that the 11th was this week. While my Sister and her family were visiting (they live in Ohio) we went and put flowers on my Mom’s gravesite. Even after 5 years it still hurts so much. She would be so proud of her 4 grandchildren and her 2 great-granddaughters. I’m just sorry that she missed being a Great-Grandma. I know that she is looking down on all of us and smiling.
Hi Patty,
This was so beautiful and it makes me think of how grateful I am to have the mom I have. No one has been there for me the way my mom, and dad, have. This has really reminded me of how much I cherish every moment with my parents. May God bless you and help take away your pain on this day.
Patty, You are a testimony to what her life was, and continues to be. You are living and carrying on what her life taught her, and what she taught you. Her legacy lives in you and your family, your brother, and then through your son. Thank you for sharing your pain, and your love for God and for your mom shines through whatever you do.
That was beautiful! What a great example. It’s nice to hear that there are still people that believe in God. I know that he definately hears our prayers. Your mom is in a beautiful place and she is happy and I’m sure she is doing what she loved to do and is with the rest of the people that she loves. You will see her again one day.
Know that and keep smiling!
What a wonderful tribute to your mom, actually it reminds me alot of my mom who went home in January 2004 and the my dad joined her in April 2007. I was trully blessed to have wonderful parents. Then today I was at the funeral of the last remaining member of my mom’s family, we said goodbye to my mom’s brother, the last of night children who went home to be with his wife who just passed in May of this year. How wonderful it is to know that one day we will see them again, and, in the meantime to know that they are with us each and every day. People used to tell me it gets better, I don’t think it does, it just gets different as time passes. Karen
Patty – what a wonderful tribute to your mom and to the amazing daughter she has. May you find comfort in the beautiful scripture you quoted and know that she is looking over you each and every day with pride and love as she enjoys all your creativity.
It sounds like you had a great relationship with her and I am sure that you will be reunited again when the time is right.
For now you must continue the legacy she has left you for all those that will come after you.
Thank you for sharing pieces of your life with us.
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. You certainly honor her by all you do and I’m sure she is very proud of you. After 35 years, I still miss my mom. That’s good though, – Mom’s should never ever be forgotten. What a task we mom’s have, and what a privilege, to model values for our families and create memories that they can cling to long after we’re gone. The greatest work any mom can do is point their loved ones to Jesus Christ and His saving grace. Sounds like your mom was a “good and faithful servant.” Thanks for sharing that tribute and all that you do.
Wow, that was beautiful, Patty. Thanks for sharing that with us….
Patty, What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. You were so blessed to have such a great Mom. May all your memories of her bring you peace and comfort. How wonderful that you are following in her footsteps. May Gods love fill your heart and soul.
Next week it will be 18 years ago that I lost my mother. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her in some way. I was still a teenager when she passed away, boy did I need her.
One thing that has helped my sister and I is that on every July 16th we do something together that mom would have liked. We have gone to a tea party, spa day and shopping.
The loss of your mother will never go away, but it does get easier with time.
Hi Patty!
I can hardly type this for all the tears in my eyes!! My Mom will be gone 10 years this coming January and not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and thank the Lord above for giving her to me as my Mom. As I’m sure your Mom was to you, my Mom was my biggest fan and a shining example of unconditional love! I hope you have the chance to sit in your garden for a bit today, enjoy your beautiful roses, and remember your Mom, who sounds like a wonderful woman.
June in KS
Your words are beautiful, Patty. I’m sure your Mom is looking down upon you with pride that you are her daughter. I had tears in my eyes as I read your post as I thought about my own Mom who passed away January 6, 2003. I cherished the moments I had with her, and now I cherish the memories. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and even after 5 years, I still catch myself picking up the phone to share something funny with her, or to tell her of her grandchildren’s accomplishments, etc. Thanks for sharing the beautiful thoughts on your Mom today. My thoughts are with you today.
What a wonderful remembrance of your mom. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful example of a strong Christian woman.
I know what it is to miss your mom. I lost my mom at the age of 29 – 1 month before the birth of my first child. That was 9 years ago. I still miss her.
But aren’t we glad to know that we have a heavenly Father that will never leave us. He is our refuge and our strength.
Thanks for sharing with us Patty.
…..and now I know how come you are the sharing, caring individual that you are. Thanks, Patty, for sharing your talent and yourself with us. May the Lord keep you in His care, Maggi
i send you big hugs patty. how blessed you are to have had such a wonderful mother. i can see GOD in her eyes, his grace and mercy in her smile. and i am blessed to be able to know her, through you patty. you are her. how great is it to know that you have someone like your mom in heaven on your side – as your ultimate gaudian angel? how wonderfully ultimate is that? GOD is so good… ALL of the time.
be well patty, and God bless your mom, you, and your family.
angela 🙂
What a beautiful tribute to our mom. I love the picture of her she exudes the love of Christ!
Thanks for sharing the thoughts from her book. They are very lifting.
hi patty,
i don’t think we’ve ever met, but i would like to someday. i’m moved by the beautiful tribute you posted about your mom. i feel inspired to be and become a better mom. thank you,
I can’t believe that I missed this post. I just wanted to tell you that I’m praying for you as you continue to remember and honor your mom. It’s such a blessing when someone leaves such a deep impact on our lives but it makes us miss them all the more when they’re gone. She would be so proud of you, Patty ! Your a wonderful wife, mother, & friend. In the way you live your life you continue to honor her. Big hugs…
A beautiful tribute to your Mom. My Mom has been gone 20 years next month and there still isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. I liked the words and verse she had written that you found. Edna
How precious our moms are to us! I know the pain of losing mine and as I have shared “its something you get through, you never get over it”. Gods’ greatest gift to the family is a loving mom. As I have looked at your pictures I see so much of her in you. There is such a beauty in that smile of yours. Its so genuine. That is a gift from your mama. When you are raised in love you learn how to love and smile and it truly radiates. You and I have been brought together by the Lord for many reasons. One for sure is the sililarities in our lives. I have not a clue why but it brings a smile to my heart. THINGS and MONEY are meaningless without the relationship we have with Jesus and our families. Your mama taught you that. It radiates in your daily living. You have such a kind and sweet spirit about you. Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of you with me. Trust is not easy in any relationship. But when a child is raised in Christian values and shown great love they are able to give it so much easier. You are a wonderful daughter and I know your mama is so very proud of you. May you continue to be your Mothers Daughter! Be blessed my friend…