I learned a GREAT tip from demonstrator Lisa Freeman for cutting your 12×12 cardstock/DSP to use in the new Matchbox Die from Stampin’ Up! (in the Occasions Mini Catalog). Thank You Lisa! She said it was ok if I made a video showing this tip… so here you go!
Thank you, thank you. The timing of this video couldn’t of been more perfect. I tried my die last night and worked and worked with the paper. This morning I see your video and now know how to do this. Aren’t the boxes the cutest things.
wow, Patty! Thanks so much for the great video with Lisa’s tip! I just received my die yesterday and so glad I checked your blog this morning before attempting this!
Super super tutorial. That is so neat. Thanks for sharing that great idea with us. I cannot wait to order that die.
ABSOLUTELY brilliant! Now you can get 2 from a sheet. You are enabling me here….
Thank you, thank you. What a great video.
way to go patty, thanks ,you make it look so easy and what a great tip for saving paper.
Genius! Absolute Genius! Thank you so much for sharing and for having such a wonderful friend in fellow demo Lisa!!!
Thanks so much for the great tip to you and your friend Lisa. Patty, you are always so helpful. Love your blog! You are amazing at all that you do.
Again, thanks for another great tutorial…
I just purchased this template, so the timing’s perfect!!
Thank you so much for sharing that with us Patty. I had put off ordering this little box, but now that I can see how to best utilize the card stock, I think I’ll get it right away!
thanks for the great video, Patty! I did see that tip about drawing the square on the 12×12 backing for a template but since I don’t have the matchbox die (yet!) I was having trouble visualizing how it would work. Now it’s crystal clear…if only I can remember it! But I know where to go for a refresher if I forget, thanks for the video. Jan Hoyt http://www.inkerzaway.blogspot.com
Thanks for sharing!! I haven’t used my die yet but I do have a question for you….since the extended crease pad is not available as of yet, do you feel it’s necessary to even get? It seemed like you had no trouble with the folding of everything…
Thanks and I hope you have a lovely day!!
THat is so awesome! A friend and I were discussing how to get the most out of our paper and she found this! Thanks! The video really helps! You rock!
Thank you so much! I’m going to be using my die for a make and take in a week and this is definitely going to help with getting the most out of my paper. I would have wasted paper for sure.
What a great tutorial – such cute boxes!!
What a fabulous tip! Thanks Patty and Lisa!
Patty thank you so much for a wonderful video. I can’t wait to play with mine.
Thanks, Patty for another wonderful tutorial that is so helpful. Great tip! Ingenious tip, Lisa! So glad everyone is willing to share!
WOW! What a great tip from Lisa! Thanks so much for taking the time to make a video and share it with all of us Patty!
June in KS
Love this tip! Thanks for sharing it visually – so easy and so efficient – I just had to share your link with the demos at stampinaddicts.com, too.
Hi Patti,
For some reason when I clicked on the video I got the message that the video was no longer available. How can that be? You just posted it yesterday. Am I doing something wrong?
WOW!!! Patty this is such a great tip for cutting the DSP paper just the right size for this die. Thanks so much for sharing.
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing this is a great video and great tip.
Just got my die and didn’t get to play yet, so your video came at such a perfect time. I won’t be wasting paper or trying to figure this out! Thanks Patty and Lisa! Aloha, teri
Thank you, Patty! I really appreciate you sharing that great tip with us all!
I saw this video the other day and my new die arrived today – woo hoo! Your tip worked like a charm!
Thanks for sharing!
A great idea…an easy way to mix/match the paper for the box and the top if you want without a lot of waste.
Hi Patty. Thanks for posting that video demonstrating the matchbox die. I have been wanting to order one but wasn’t sure how it would work; your visual made it go on my “must have asap” list.
One note: to avoid a step in the “pre-cutting” part of the video, you do not have to go through all the trouble of measuring and cutting the square. If you cut your piece of cardstock in “half” at the 6.5 inch mark, you will have two rectangles. One that is 5.5×12 and one that is 6.5×12. Now cut each of those at 6.5 inches according to their original measurements, and you have your four pieces of cardstock that are 5.5×6.5. The method of cutting a square in the center and marking from there did not work very well with my paper cutter, so I figured out the way to eliminate that step.
Thanks again for the awesome tutorial!
Thanks for this great tutorial! I wanted to tell you my 3 yo daughter watched it with me and clapped at the end! LOL 🙂
After cutting and putting together one matchbox on my own I was thrilled to see your tip on cutting out 4 pieces from of DP from one 12×12 sheet. I just want to thank you again Patty for your awesome tutorials. I will be showing this technique at my next hostess club party 🙂
You know how much wasted paper I have. Thank for the tip, no more wasting paper.
i wonder why su! doesn’t come up with “plans” before releasing an item. this could certainly improve the big shot experience. anyway…you done good!
Hi Patty…This is so cute! I just came from Dawn’s Stampin Up blog…I have been to your blog before…but I guess I missed this post…You make it look sooo easy…I’ll have to try this again…did you get that again..I’ve tried before…but for some reason…mine didn’t come out looking as good as yours. Mine looked a little frumpy…lol Have a spectacular GOD filled day!
Thanks Patty for sharing how to get more out of your paper. Great video!
Great “How To” video! Thanks so much for the hints