The brand new digital solutions program called My Digital Studio, by Stampin' Up!, was released to demonstrators on Sept. 1st, and will be avaliable to customers on Oct. 1st. This gives us a chance to read the tutorials and play with the program and be able to answer all your questions on Oct. 1st !! 🙂
I am HOOKED on this program.. I am even DREAMING in "My Digital Studio"… planning pages in my sleep!!!! I LOVE IT!!
I am making a book with about 8 to 10 pages from each Stampin' Up! Cruise we've been on and wanted to share a few of the pages with you .. these are from our 2002 Cruise to Bermuda. ENJOY!
These pages were all created on my computer screen with My Digital Studio.
I started with a template provided with the program and then I deleted some of the embellishments (there were too many flowers on this template for a cruise album I thought), and then I added a couple things on a couple pages, but other than that I just did the "drag and drop" feature with my photos and added text… WAY TOOOOO EASY! and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH FUN! 🙂
I am going to have my 8×8 Cruise Memories book printed and bound by our printing service through Stampin' Up!. Details will be available on Oct. 1st on line. Demonstrators get to use this service in Sept. to try it out at a discount! whooohoo!
If you are interested in purchasing this program on Oct. 1st, just let me know and I'll be sure to send you a reminder in a couple weeks. Check pages 38 and 39 in your Holiday Mini Catalog for more details.
Patty, Thank you for sharng your photos and the new software with us. If you get info on how much the printing service is or approximately, let us know. I am interested and have the capability to print here at home but prfessionals usually do a better job. Thanks for all your inspiration esp. with the new mini catty stuff. I would love to see more of those products. Have a blessed week.
Oh, Patty! Those pages are AMAZING!
You are making me so jealous, mine won’t be here till next week.
Was it pretty easy to upload to your blog? I was playing last night at Rhonda’s with hers, and it looks simple enough.
These look awesome! What fun memories eh?
thank you for sharing; I wasn’t going to purchase this until I saw some postings & comments. But, now I believe I ready.
Patty, these pages look awesome. Do you use a Mac or PC? I’m hoping to get info from a Mac user as My Digital Studio sounds wonderful. Have time before we can purchase next month anyway but was just curious. Your blog is in my Google Reader so check it daily. Great job!
Wow, you are really kicking with this new software. Mine won’t be here until Wednesday, I knew I should have expedited! Great job! Love seeing the samples. Keep them coming.
Patty, these are beautiful! I have my software & am ready to play – a little intimidated, but you’re pushing me over the edge LOL!! Thanks for sharing!
Patty – Love your pages. Glad to hear it was as easy as it looks. Can’t wait to get mine this week. Do you use Mac or PC.
OK, Patty….you made me do it!!! LOL!! Check out my blog for my very first digital scrapbook page. I’m so pleased with it – and so shocked! LOL!!
See you next week in St. George!!!!
These are great pages! Can’t wait to get my hands on MDS to be delivered tomorrow!
P.S. It was fun recognizing you at convention – I was going down the escalator when you were going up. You are an inspiration.
These are all FANTASTIC!!! I love that you used the same colour scheme to keep the album cohesive – great job!
I like them all!!!My favourite one is the 3rd page. How your son has changed! but it’s nice to see him when he was younger.
Okay now I’m REALLY inspired.
Thanks Patty
Pat Chastain
Excellent pages, WOW, I hope to get moving on my MDS soon. Love your work.
These are fabulous. It is wonderful at how easy it is to create a fantastic album. Your son seems so small in these pictures.
I was wondering about Stampin’ Up’s My Digital Studio and was hoping someone that has used it could answer my question…
when designing a page can you position the photos and text anywhere on the page or is it like Shutterfly & Snapfish that you have to pick a planned page layout depending on the number of photos you want?