Patty’s Bokeh Christmas Photos

Do you ever visit the Pioneer Woman's blog??  I LOVE her Photography section, and was captivated by her post on 12/28/09 titled Your Holiday Bokeh Photos and more on 12/29 !! … I clicked on the links and found THIS definition for Bokeh and thought I'd give it a try. 

So… based on her info, HERE ARE MY Holiday Bokeh photos…. so much fun to play with this idea!! Now if I ever get a real camera, I could probably do better… but for now I enjoy my tiny point n shoot sony.

Bokeh santa

Bokeh snowman

Ya, I know.. gotta keep smiling…

Bokeh bart

and I took this last year.. just didn't know it was called a Bokeh photo then! 🙂

Bokeh ornaments

 Christmas signature 2Shopping cart shop now

11 thoughts on “Patty’s Bokeh Christmas Photos”

  1. I learned something new today! Unfocused holiday lights in the background of your main subject are so nice – good to know there’s a term for that! Pretty pics, btw.

  2. Your photos are GREAT!!! I’m like some of the other girls, I didn’t know “out of focus in the background”, had a name. Thanks for all your ideas through out the year, also.–Diane

  3. These are beautiful! As a pro photog, I am blown away that you do not use a DSLR… I’ve always that your photos were great and assumed that’s what you were using!


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