Stampin’ Up! convention highlights – check in day

Wow…. what a FULL day !!  Yesterday was check in day at the annual Stampin' Up! convention here in Salt Lake City, UT, and we had so much fun for over 12 hours !!!! 

First on my agenda was to go into Memento Mall early – it was a nice perk for the demonstrators who had recruited someone so far this month, so, I got to go in at 8am!  whoohoo! Thank you Stampin' Up! for letting us do that!

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These were my 2 favorite items, the Greenhouse Gala print tote and HELLO>> the AWESOME computer bag!!!!  whohoooooo!

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Darling keychains… aren't they adorable?

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Fabulous Christmas Ornaments..

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Here I am in line (to pay) .. watching over my stuff and Stella's stuff…

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It was non stop action with activites, photos, lots of friends, etc., so stay tuned for TONS more photos during the week!!!

VACATION NOTICE… please note.. I am away at the Stampin' Up! Convention from 7/20 to 7/26.. and may not be available to return emails quickly, but I will do my best!

CONVENTION SPECIAL WHILE I'M GONE>>>  Receive one of my project tutorials FREE when you place a $50  order online with me! Email me after you place your order with your choice of tutorial and I will email it to you next week when I return home.  There are 7 different tutorials available.  One for EACH $50 in orders.  VIEW ALL AVAILABLE TUTORIALS HERE.

Scallop sq siggy

New color kits


Shopping cart shop now

Get new catty

Attn: Former Demonstrators:  Join Stampin' Up! Again! Contact your former upline, or contact me for all the details!  Click image below to see all the details !

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5 thoughts on “Stampin’ Up! convention highlights – check in day”

  1. Hi, Patty! I’m sooooo excited for your!!! I feel like I’m there with you!!! Those bags are soooo gorgeous (computer bag and tote bag)!!!! Would love to get one! Please let me know how much do they cost? I will definitely show it off!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I am hoping to go next year so for now I get to attend virtually through blogs! Can’t wait for all those fun looking Momento Mall goodies to hit the demo website, another “perk” of stampin up!

  3. Thanks for sharing pictures Patti. I love the new totes in the Greenhouse DP print. They are gorgeous! I know you all are having fun, and have a blast until you return. Safe trip girl.


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