Stampin’ Up! convention 2010 – friends, fun, food and stuff…

Thought you might like to see some more of the highlights from our Stampin' Up! convention in July … lots of fun to share with you …

My friend Angie and me..

1 angie me

my friend Dawn and me..

1 dawn me

my favorite of our 3 box lunches..yummy salad..

1 lunch


1 choc fountain

what a totally cute Simply Adorned necklace with a Totally Tess charm! (added: this necklace belongs to Barbara Dykhouse.. great job, Barbara!!  READ ABOUT her prize she received from Stampin' Up! for this necklace!)

1 simply adorned

 Amazing paper cake with paper flowers in the Artisan Awards area..

1 cake

  me with my SAM Terri.. she is the best!! (she is my Service Account Manager at Stampin' Up!.. i talk to her almost every day and she is so patient and kind to answer all my questions !)

1 sam

The swaps and gifts I brought with me to convention..

Swaps on bed

my friends in the Control Freak group.. i know you have enjoyed our blog tours on the 20th of the month..



Shopping cart shop now


Scallop sq siggy

Get new catty

New color kits

5 thoughts on “Stampin’ Up! convention 2010 – friends, fun, food and stuff…”

  1. Really nice pics Patty! I still enjoy looking at all the pictures because there was so much going on at Convention that I missed a lot. I’m still looking for pics of the Decor Elements projects that Brent did with the new Christmas Elements — dead battery in camera that day!! Thanks for sharing so much, every day!

  2. Hi Patti,
    Thank you for sharing your experience at convention with us and congratulations on being #5!! That is a great accomplishment. I’ve been following your blog for quite a while and I enjoy seeing your samples, hear about new SU! stuff. =) I loved the picture of the artisan cake. Do you by any chance know of a tutorial how to make those beautiful flowers??
    Once again, congratulations!!

  3. Hi, Patti!
    I was so excited to see my necklace on your blog today! Yowzers! I actually won the stamp set Notably Ornate for most creative simply adorned on Friday.
    It was so nice to meet you at convention. I’ve been a blog follower of yours for a long time. You are such an inspiration!

  4. such a delight to see convention pix..this looks like one of theee best conventions for some time; thanks for sharing & don’t stop, please!!


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