An Improvement to the Cookie Bars

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Cookie bar ingredientsLast Christmas I discoverd this great mix of Brownies and Chocolate Chip cookies.. but this year I improved upon it!!!!  I added some Reese's peanut butter chips to part of the pan and some Heath Toffee pieces to the other part of the pan…. ooooooooooooooh my … yum!!

I did leave a little bit of it without any chips just in case this idea didn't work out…

Anyone close to me knows I don't like to cook.. at all.. but hey, I can make this! 🙂

Cookie bar chips

the Reese's chips and the Heath toffee pieces are sprinkled on the brownie batter, then the Chocolate Chip cookie dough part goes on top:

Cookie bars ready to bake
after baking:

Cookie bars done
I forgot to take a photo of them cut into bars… but trust me.. they are GONE NOW!

here is the recipe I did for them in My Digital Studio last year… I'll have to update it with the Reese's chips and the Heath bits!

 Recipe brownie cookie bars copy

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4 thoughts on “An Improvement to the Cookie Bars”

  1. Oh my goodness Patty! Looks sooo good! I showed this to my husband (our computers are side-by-side) and his first comment was…”looks like a treat that needs a scoop of ice cream on top”! Ha ha! Can’t wait to try this. Thanks for sharing your “secrets”. I too don’t like to cook, but I can certainly bake this :).

  2. Boy, this post was timely! I need to bring a dessert to work for our staff luncheon tomorrow, and I signed up for peanut blossom cookies. I made those, but while at the store, I also got the ingredients for your cookie bars (with the Heath bar bits added), and they’re just about to come out of the oven. I’ll bet they’re good with butterscotch chips added too – will have to try that next time! Oh, and I agree – I HATE to cook (well, it’s not the cooking I dislike, it’s the cleaning up afterwards part).


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