13 Years of PattyStamps Blog Posts

Wow!! This month I celebrated 13 years of blogging at PattyStamps.com

I thought you might like a quick look back at some stats, and some of the early blog headers (I used to change it almost monthly!!!) when I was branded as Patty’s Stamping Spot. 


PattyStamps blog headers Patty's Stamping Spot www.PattyStamps.com Blog sharing Stampin' Up! papercrafting and card making ideas


Blog Stats from PattyStamps

  • Started my blog on May 11, 2007
  • Over 4,700 Blog posts
  • Over 41,000 comments from you, my kind viewers!
  • Over 400 free Video Tips & Tutorials on my YouTube Channel
  • Over 100 Blog Candy Giveaways from PattyStamps
  • Thankful for THOUSANDS of stamping friends all over the world who have joined me here over the years!



An easy way to find my posts is to use the Search Bar in the left column of my blog and search for keywords such as the name of a stamp set or technique.

You can also click on the GALLERY here to see my posts!

And some of my most popular posts are HERE – my craft room storage tips and ideas!


Thank you for being a part of my blogging journey! 

Cheers to 13 more years!!


Online store for paper crafting supplies: www.MyStampOrder.com

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Shop paper crafting products online with Patty Bennett at www.MyStampOrder.com

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All my Favorites on Amazon - as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

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8 thoughts on “13 Years of PattyStamps Blog Posts”

  1. Congratulations Party!
    I don’t know how long I’ve been following you, but I appreciate and enjoy all the inspiration, tips and tricks and the love of crafting you have given over the years! Thank you!

  2. You are a real pioneer in the SU blogging world! I joined SU on May 4, 2007, and yours was the first blog I found! You helped me figure out what I was doing, and showed me what was possible in card design. Thank you for all the years of beautiful art, and your hard work to bring us regular, reliable information, which as a hobby demo, I took gross advantage of. I appreciate it more than I can say!

  3. Wooohoooooo Patty , thank you for all your posts , always looking forward to them every day ,
    So CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR Success , and all your beautiful tips , and beautiful cards ,
    Hugs Frenchie ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
    From Florida


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