New Stampin’ UP! catalogs coming Soon!

Need a new Stampin' Up! catalog? the 2023-2024 Annual Catalog is coming soon! Get one from Patty Bennett

This is always such an amazing time of year for Stampin’ UP! demonstrators!!!

The New 2023-2024 Stampin’ UP! Annual Catalog has been released to demonstrators for a preview!!

How to Get a Catalog:

If you want a new catalog from me, here is how you can receive one:

  • All of my preferred customers (who have ordered at least $50 from me this year) will receive one from me – no need to do anything unless your address has changed, then please update it on the request form below.
  • If you already order from a different demonstrator, please ask them to send you one.
  • If you are new, and have not yet ordered from Stampin’ Up!, I’d be happy to send you a catalog if you would like to select me as your demonstrator.
  • Catalog Collectors: (you request catalogs every year without ordering), I’m happy to send you an invoice for the cost of the catalog & shipping and send one to you, $15.00.


Catalog request form for Stampin Up! Annual catalog 2023-2024 from


I purchase catalogs from Stampin’ Up! and ship them to customers myself.

I purchased all the catalogs for my customers on April 4th.  It takes about a week or more for them to arrive to me, then it takes me a week or more to get all the stickers on them, stuff them with flyers, Free Stamps with Patty Forms, a shopping list, etc., then stuff them in Priority shipping envelopes and print all the postage.

Catalogs should ship to my preferred customers around April 18th, and to all other requests by the end of that week.

The new 2023-2024 Annual Stampin’ Up! Catalog will be live for customer ordering starting May 2, 2023.


Thank you for your support of my business!


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12 thoughts on “New Stampin’ UP! catalogs coming Soon!”

  1. I don’t know if I qualify for a catalog from you, if I do, my address has changed to: 48701 Alpine Ave So, Stanchfield, MN 55080. Thank you!

    • Hi Marilyn, Thanks for checking in about a catalog.. since you have never ordered from me, I don’t have you on my list. If you have ordered from someone else, you can ask them for a catalog. if you are new, you are welcome to use the catalog request form in my post above to request a catalog.

  2. Hi Patty,
    I was ordering from you until this past summer when I got sick and had to put my stamping on hold. Could I please be added again, I would like a catalog and to get my mojo back.
    Susan Schroeder
    104 Getaway Place
    Livingston, TX77351

    • Hi Susan, yes, I see it’s been over a year since you were able to order.. I hope you are doing better. Please go ahead and use the catalog request form in the post above to request a catalog.


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