New Stampin’ UP! Unboxing & Color Collections Video


Watch the New Product Unboxing Video

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As mentioned in the new product unboxing video above, I am sharing some resources for you with information about the new color line up for 2023-2024 with all 50 of the Stampin’ Up! colors.

If you missed the previous video and post about the retiring and new colors CLICK HERE.

Feel free to pin these for reference, print them, or just view my post.

New Stampin' Up! color families video featuring Brights color collection for 2023-2024 with Patty Bennett


New Stampin' Up! color families video featuring Subtles color collection for 2023-2024 with Patty Bennett


New Stampin' Up! color families video featuring Regals color collection for 2023-2024 with Patty Bennett


New Stampin' Up! color families video featuring Neutrals color collection for 2023-2024 with Patty Bennett


New Stampin' Up! color families video featuring the In Color collections for 2022-2024 and 2023-2025 with Patty Bennett




New Stampin Up catalog color label download from Patty Bennett rainbow order





Label & Color Coach Notes:

  1. The label file includes the 50 Stampin’ UP! colors, and since there were 30 additional spots, I’ve included white, vanilla, specialty paper and labels for the 6×6 packs.
  2. The labels are in “rainbow order” per the Stampin’ Up! color coach.  As mentioned in the video, you can start with this rainbow and edit it to your liking.
  3. If you like the rainbow order, start in the upper left corner of the label sheet and go DOWN the first column, then to the 2nd and 3rd columns.
  4. You’ll need the Avery Label #5167 (80 per sheet), or, you can print it on regular paper and cut them out to help label your new colors in any way you need to.


Thank you for joining me and watching my video!  And a huge thank you to everyone who joins live on Fridays.. it’s so fun to chat and read your reactions and thoughts, and answer your questions!


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39 thoughts on “New Stampin’ UP! Unboxing & Color Collections Video”

  1. Hi Patty, thank you so much for the color labels. As a hobby demo, I see this stuff in advance too, but I still enjoy watching some of the unboxing videos to get other demo’s thoughts on new products and hear what they like. I always enjoy watching your unboxings to get your thoughts and opinions. Thank you!

  2. I would like to receive a catalog. The demonstrator I ordered from in the past is no longer a demonstrator.

  3. I would like to receive a catalog. The demonstrator I ordered from in the past is no longer a demonstrator. Thank you

  4. I love all you do for all of us. I do have a question about DSP. DO you cut it into different sizes, or leave it at 12×12? If you cut it how do store it so you know what you have? If left as 12×12 how do you store it, standing up or laying flat and how do you label it so you know what you have? Thank you in advance for any help.
    Lynda Vitamanti
    Stampin up .

  5. Thanks for showing all your ideas. I like how you put the dies into packets with magnets. I’m going to look for your ideas to order.

  6. Thank you for all the tips you shared yesterday!!! and thanks for the awesome downloads!!!!!
    As a customer it’s really helpful for me to stay current with my colors, you never know I might demo again, this way I’m prepared!!!! You doing the new color refresh has helped me stay organized!!! Thanks again for the video too!!!! You are the most organized demonstrator !!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Thank you, Patty. I loved your rainbow color suggestions. As you were moving colors to different positions, I was routing for you and your choices. Could you hear me?

  8. Patty for you 6×6 paper- are those organized in same envelopes you use for your die cuts? I love your organizing!

  9. Patty, Your color coach charts and your lables are so helpful. Thank you so much for putting in to much work to make these available to everyone. You are awesome!

  10. Hi Patty!
    Love this, thank you so much! Is it possible to share the colored squared sheet you made in Rainbow color order of SU color names? I have the Color Chart but it has the coordinating colors with it. I would like the one you created which is just the colors in rainbow order, if possible. Thank you for all your tips, and creative ideas!

  11. Hi Patty,

    I have a question for you. I’m looking for the list of 2023 DSP listed with all the colors. I thought it was you who had that downloadable sheet for this.

    I’m trying to find a way to have all the colors listed so I’m not going through my entire stacks upon stacks of paper. Lol.

    Thanks for much. Looking forward to hear from you.


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