I thought you might like some pretty fabulous Stampin’ Up! products to help you make Valentine’s this year!!
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- If you’d like to enter to win the 4 gifts shown above, leave a comment on this post and tell me if you have any fun childhood memories of Valentine’s Day in school
- Deadline to comment: Saturday, January 20, 2pm PT
- Winner announced Sunday, January 21 here on my blog
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First off, thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity.
Now; my childhood memories of Valentine’s Day in school.
It has been many, many years ago, but do remember decorating our own Valentine Box using an old shoe box and my mom making homemade treats for me to take to school to share with all the other kids cause wasn’t able to afford a package of valentine’s back then to hand out to everyone. The very few that I had received, I still have to this day. Hubby has his as well.
My, how the Valentine’s have changed over the years.
Some Valentine memories that I have, are of making my Valentine boxes each year. I loved doing crafts as a youngster and I have Creative Juices running through my veins to this day! Most likely till I die!
Hi Patty, what a fun thing to do! We used to decorate a shoe box, make a slot in it and place it on our desk. At the end of the day teacher gave us time to open the box and read our valentines while sharing any cookies, cupcakes or other goodies brought from home. Teacher always gave everyone a cup cake liner filled with little candies. Everyone got valentines because the ‘rule’ was all or none. That day, everyone was your friend and we shared a fun time together. Such a wonderful memory. Thank you for helping me enjoy it again.
What a great give away, especially with Valentine’s Day so close! I remember in elementary school everyone would decorate shoe boxes, make a slot in the top for valentines and bring to school on Valentine’s Day. Everyone would deposit a card (homemade or store bought) in everyone’s box (yep it was all or none). Some of the Mother’s would send or bring in treats and the teacher usually had ome candy. What a sweet memory!
In elementary school we would each decorate a shoebox and put a slot in the top. Classmates would put valentines in the box
We would decorate boxes so other kids could deliver their Valentine’s to us. We would also bake sugar cookies and sell them for FHA fundraiser.
We decorated shoeboxs and then made the cards, bunched holes and put in a suckered for all my friends.
making the valentine boxes to collect our cards at school for school party. all ways felt inportant getting to hand out my cards
Decorating a cereal box as our Valentine’s cards mailbox and attaching them to the side of our desks then everyone walking around the room putting Valentine’s cards in everyone’s mailbox.
Best memory was always trading Valentine cards in school. We decorated a box for our cards.
It was always so much fun to get Valentine cards for classmates, the ones that we would buy that were like $1 for a pack of 30, and then reading the ones that I received,
just hoping that someone I really liked would give me a “special” one. It makes me smile to look back on those days.
I remember decorating a shoe box like many others did. I put names on all of the envelopes, so I would make sure I gave the *special* ones to those who I liked more than my other classmates.
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I guess I’ve always loved sending and getting snail mail! I remember sending Valentines to my godmother and aunts when I was old enough to write them out. Fond memories!
I remember my Mom made me cupcakes to take to my class She let me help her decorate them and lick out the bowl
I used a shoe box and covered it in construction paper I remember picking out my Jungle animals Valentines Day cards for my class with those little envelopes and writing my classmates on them
I just joined your blog. I love your ideas and the information you share.
I think my favorite memories of Valentine’s Day was at school. We either decorate a shoebox or behind a lunch bag on her desks. And everyone went around and put Valentines in our bag or box. Back then we were able to bring homemade treats for everybody to share. I loved it so much I always looked forward to Valentine’s Day at school.
My favorite was to decorate a shoe box as a mailbox for the cards. My sister and I would spend hours making sure our boxes were just right!!!
I just remember getting Valentine cards ready at home for all my classmates, then in school we all delivered the cards to our classmates desks. Wow, that was a long time ago.
I think as a child my favorite holiday was definitely Valentines school party. I remember just being so shy and hand making all my valentines. Then trying to be sneaky to give them to the boys I happen to have a crush on at the time. Then watching them open my Valentines and most of the time they made eye contact and gave back a shy smile 😊
Hi Patty, I remember giving out valentines in my classroom and so excited to be receiving them too.
Hi Patty. What a sweet thing to do. I remember starting kindergarten at a new school on valentine’s day & I brought cards for everyone with no names on them for obvious reasons but I was the only one who did not receive any cards & a boy named Patrick took one of his valentine’s, scratched off his name & wrote my name on it AND gave me a kiss on the cheek. He was such a sweet & kind person even at that young age. Hope you & your family have a happy valentine’s day ❤️
My valentines were pretty plain from what I see now. We did decorate boxes to take to school, which was really fun! Usually some kind of treats were always served too. I did inherit a few valentines that were my mother’s. There were some that were so intricate and with lace. I love these!
I remember decorating a shoebox or white paper bag then hanging along the chalkboard holder. Then bringing in Valentine’s Day cards for each classmate. We would get our bags to open our cards while having a treat.
I remember my mom taking me to the store and buying a box of Valentine cards and writing them all out. Then making a box to put all the cards I received in. Fun days.
I have a funny memory – I attended a very small school and we gave a Valentine to each member of our class. I went through all my valentines and picked out one with a skunk for the one girl in my class I wasn’t fond of. When we had passed out all our valentines we could open them – and she had picked out a skunk for mine too! Haha! Served me right!
So many fun times at grade school on valentines day. Also being 1 of 5 kids we gave each other valentines. In those days family members lived together so mt Grandmother and her sister lived with us in a 2 family house. I loved my Great-Aunt, Ethel.
I still have a valentine I gave to her all those years ago.
Thanks for bringing up a wonderful memory.
I always loved Valentine’s Day. We always had a shoebox ready to decorate however we wanted. It was so much fun!
My favorite memory on Valentine’s Day was making the bag to hold all the cards and I couldn’t wait to open them. It’s funny because the cards were store bought , tiny , and cartoon characters.
Valentine’s Day was always fun in elementary school. We decorated shoe boxes and shared valentines with all our classmates.
Hi Patty , Thank you for this opportunity to win this set …
I remember in school decorating a shoebox to put all our cards in .. I remember we had so much fun and my mom would make cupcakes for everyone in my class… When I grew up and had my own family I carried on that tradition… I made cupcakes for my kids to take to school on Valentine’s Day
I was a young girl in the 50s. Things were not so commercial Or available. So we handmade valentine boxes to put cards in. Shoebox, crepe paper, colored paper and doilies. We also made a special card for our moms. Such a special day when you are six or seven!
Yes, I am part of the “shoe box” era of decorating our box @ home to collect the valentines we rec’d @ school @ our classroom Valentine party. Plenty of sweets enjoyed during the party as well.
My best valentines memory is receiving a heart shaped box of chocolates from Sees from my Dad every year! Who doesn’t love chocolate? Thanks Patty
My favorite memories of Valentine Day was my step dad would give my sister and I that heart shaped box of chocolates. I loved getting that box and it wasn’t even about the chocolates but it was just the way He reminded us He Loved Us! He did that for us for YEARS, and it meant so much to me.
I remember making Valentine’s boxes to take to school and the school parties we had.
Exchanging Valentines with all my classmates
What a wonderful thing to do! It is so nice to be reminded of those simpler days – addressing Valentines for each of our classmates and decorating a shoebox to put all of our Valentines in. What a fun memory!
As a child in elementary school, we would share Valentine cards with each other in our class. It was so fun choosing the cards to share. Even then, I loved to give cards away!
In elementary school we decorated shoe boxes with a slot and out valentines cards for all of out classmates in the boxes. Occasionally there would be one from a secret admirer that you had to figure out who it was. I still have one that I never figured out who it was. That was 52 years ago.
Valentine’s boxes, for sure! Stressful for my mom (as I learned way later in life), but she never showed it! Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway!
Valentines Day was always fun! In our classroom, we all had a small brown paper bag we decorated. After we decorated them, we went around the room and put our valentines in the bags for our classmates and teacher. When we were done, we sat at our desks, looked at our valentines and had treats our mothers made!
My second grade teacher Mrs.Downey set up a post office. I’m guessing her husband built it. There were slots behind the counter labeled with our names. Every day one of us got a turn to be the postmaster complete with a special hat. We took our valentines to the counter where the postmaster stamped and sorted into the correct slots.
We got so many Valentines! Loved it.
I remember decorating brown bags and putting a valentine in each person’s bag, and a special one for the teacher. We didn’t have candy or toys, just a Valentine’s card.
Love making cards now for my grandkids
I had a wonderful teacher in 2nd grade. She had a large mail slot holder made to look like one at a post office. We learned how to address letters and put our Valentines in the slots for our classmates.
Yes I have fun memories of getting so many valentines as a small kid in grade school. It made me feel so special.
In 3rd and 4th grades we exchanged Valentine’s cards, which were from punch-out sheets. Nothing like the pretty cards we make today. I love making cards, especially for Valentine’s Day. Thanks, Patty, for this generous Blog Candy offering. Enjoy your day!
I remember decotating the Valentine mailbox each of us would use during the class exchange. Always loved arts and crafts!
I remember everyone getting colored construction paper, doilies, and stickers and cutting and pasting to make heart-shaped Valentine pockets to hold the Valentines we received from each other. We attached the Valentine pockets to our desks where everyone could play mail deliverers and distribute there Valentines. We could hardly wait to open the Valentines. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of making our Valentine cards today…same fun in creating and sharing❣️
It was quite awhile ago
My sonttut (who is now an adult) made me a beautiful card. It really touched my heart.
I remember not signing the Valentines but using the alphabet to spell out my name.
Always a special time.
I remember in elementry school we would make valentine day holders so everyone could put valentine day cards in them. I looked forward to receiving cards. Everyone in the class would participate. We would even have a Valentines Day party in our class. It was so much fun! Thanks for doing this, Patty.
I remember making cards with construction paper and later on using the punch-out type. It was so fun to receive cards – still is today. My kids loved it just as much, too. They decorated boxes to use as their mailbox and loved choosing a theme each year. My students loved celebrating the same way – such a happy way to celebrate friendship and love. 💕
I loved getting the little Valentines that we traded.We always had a Valentine party. I kept them a long time. They were such fun. I’m glad I found your site. I love your videos. I usually don’t get to watch the lives but I love the replays.
My favorite memory is Valentine’s Day in school. Making and decorating our card holders, picking out the box of cards I wanted at the store, addressing them all, and then delivering them in class! It was so fun and a party always followed! The good old days. Thank you for the opportunity, Patty, and the stroll down memory lane.
It was always so much fun to get the little Valentines cards from my classmates in my self decorated shoe box in elementary school. I wish I had saved some of those little flat paper cards. They would be vintage by now since I am 70 years young! Thank you Patty for reminding me of my childhood past.
The best memories I have of Valentine’s Day is making Valentine cards to pass out to all my classmates, and hoping to get as many.
It was a fun time around the time I was in 3rd grade.
Way back when I was in school we made special projects for our family and also made our valentines to give to the class. I still have some of them. Lots of good memories.
I remember taking a brown paper lunch bag to school and we all decorated them and hung them up in the classroom. Picking out a box of valentines was so much fun and picking the right one for each of your friends. Taking the bag home and reading all the cards was a highlight. (especially if you received one from the boy you liked).
It was a fun day in school. We always made little bags and took turns passing out our valentines. The nicest teachers let us look at them while we were still in school! Of course a party was involved!
When I was in kindergarten, I had chicken pox on Valentine’s Day, and I cried over missing out. I had decorated my shoebox so carefully and was looking forward to seeing my box full of little cards. Fortunately, we lived across the street from the school, and my kind teacher brought my box full of cards to our home!
We would make and decorate valentine boxes and then all students would vote for the best one.
My favorite Valentine Memory is from when I was in third or fourth grade. Valentine morning I came out for breakfast and my father had a red velvet hair bow with hearts made from pearls for me. I LOVED it and felt like a princess wearing it to school.
Many of us seem to have the same memory of decorating a shoebox to bring to school and exchanging valentines with classmates. As card makers, we haven’t outgrown that!!
While I was in grade school I so looked forward to not only making Valentine cards but receiving them. We always had cookies, candy and sometimes sugary drinks.
It was such fun checking out our little mailboxes in school to see what surprises were there for us.
Like everyone, decorating the shoe box for Valentine’s Day was always so exciting! I loved putting mine in everyone’s boxes. Made me feel like my mailman! Thank you for a very generous giveaway! The so much love stamp set has been on my
Wish list!!!! Congrats on your achievement!
I remember eating & arranging the candy hearts that have words on them.
I remember having a little foam mailbox that my dad made by hand. It was amazing and so cute. It was super fragile and didn’t survive more than a year, but I loved it. Valentines was not always the best, because in those days, students were able to give cards to only those people they wanted to, and I often didn’t get very many valentines, but my parents always made sure that I had pretty ones to take and fun snacks for my class.
I loved handing out and receiving all the valentine cards. I remember bringing them all home and showing my family! Thank you for this opportunity to win these great prizes and Happy Valentines Day to you!
The excitement of exchanging Valentine’s with classmates and class party.
We exchanged paper Valentines.
Hi Patty!
One on my fondest memories was a Valentines Party in 4th grade. I remember how fun it was to bring our homemade valentine boxes made from cereal boxes, construction paper, foil and paper doilies, much different from today, and see all the other boxes my classmates made. I had a crush on a boy in my class named Bruce. He was so kind, had a nice smile and was cute, too. I couldn’t wait to open his valentine. “What would it say? What would it look like?” As I began to open my valentines, one in particular caught my eye. It was a sihouette of a girl with a swimming cap on “I’d swim a mile for you!” from Bruce. “Oh boy”, I thought, “he must really like me if he would swim a whole mile for me!”. My heart was bursting with joy! Maybe Bruce liked me like all the other classmates or maybe he had a crush on me. It didn’t really matter because his valentine made me feel soo special. To this day, I still have that cute little valentine in my school memory box.💌
Thank you for your generousity in giving away such a nice gift! I wish you days filled with joy, especially on Valentines Day!💗
I love your videos and posts. I get so much out of them and not only directions on how to. The techniques and hints are great. Thank you so much for being there for us. You in your videos is a godsend. You’re just so fun to watch! Really!
Thank you
Thanks for sharing the LOVE!!!
My Valentine memory isn’t from school but from my dad…he would select a heart.shaped box of candy for all of his girls….my mom, me and my three sisters. I still have some of the boxes….true treasures.
Elementary school being excited to decorate your own mailbox (often a tissue or shoebox) to set on your desk for the Valentine’s room party. Then delivering cards to each classmate. I often also got to do a Valentine’s Day bulletin board. Absolutely loved doing bulletin boards! Happy Valentine’s Day to all my stamping friends!
We would decorate an old shoe box with valentine hearts , paper and sometimes paper doilies as a mailbox. Then we filled them at school with valentines. I remember candy necklaces and bracelets given out by some of the students. That is a fun memory. Thanks Patty
We decorated brown paper bags and had a party. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog and check it daily.
Good Morning Patty –
My memory is more recent rather than in school. I have approx 200 co-workers and for the last 4 years I have designed 3-4 sample cards, I bring everything into work ready to go and for 4 days they, come as their time allows, and make cards for wives, girlfriends, grandma’s, children, etc. Last year I had 47 MEN (mostly Engineers!) and 43 women and together they made 120 Valentine’s cards. They’ve been told that it won’t get thrown away, they are going to frame it, etc. As a matter of fact I’ve had a couple of the men already ask me if we are doing it again this year. Thank you Patty!
my mother was room mother and I got to help her make valentine cookies and decorate them. such a fun time.
Hello, happy Thursday!
I can remember every year at Valentines Day in grade school trying to pick out the
boxed card pack that DID NOT have mushy sentiments as I WOULD NOT want to give
any to the boys with cooties, 🙂
I always enjoyed reading the candy heart sentiments too!
Decorating the box for my classmates to put my Valentines in. It Iwas fun to see all the decorated boxes.
This is a beautiful bundle of products. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win it!
I remember trading Valentines at school. The best part was all the candy. I loved the conversation hearts, they were fun to read.
Decorating the box for my classmates to put my Valentines in. It was fun to see all the decorated boxes.
I remember decorating paper bags to hold all the Valentines. We would go around the class and drop our cards inside. They were the goofy cards we bought at the store 😅 I loved getting candy with them! I was also an elementary teacher so I made cards for all my students.
My favorite Valentine’s memory is handing out and getting valentine cards at school. I felt so special even though everyone in the class probably got the same amount of cards.
It was pretty simple. 4th grade in Ankara, Turkey at the American elementary school. Our assignment was to ensure everybody in the very small class received a valentine. Our teacher made it easy. The day before we were to exchange, we worked on our valentines in class. Whatever we didn’t finish in class we completed at home. This was in the early 60s. It’s my only memory of something valentine-related at school. I don’t know why I remember it, other than it was a really “sweet” assignment and a very innocent and happy time. RLB
I really ‘love’ all those items you are giving away and want to say thank you for your generosity. Good luck to all those who entered!
I have wonderful Valentine’s Day memories from grade school. We would all make a beautiful decorated box for our Valentines and carefully choose who would get which Valentine that we signed. Some would have a lollipop attached and those were extra special. We had room mothers who would then bring us delicious frosted heart cookies from a local bakery and of course, some homemade punch. I can still see the beautiful heart themed napkins that we were given to make it extra special. It was just a time of sharing and being noisy within limits in our classroom! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
It was always so fun to make a Valentine box and decorate it then open and look at all the cards and little valentines candy that cone with the cards.
Valentines Day as a child was always special. We would make a decorated box to hold all of our valentines from our classmates. Reading them all was special part of the festivities. Still love Valentines Day. That’s the day my sweetie and I became engaged, and we’ve spent almost 52 valentines days together. It’s also his birthday, so he gets an extra special hand made valentine! 💕
I loved making my Valentine box in elementary school. I loved reading all the messages and corny jokes.
It was always fun to decorate our Valentine boxes for school. I remember cutting out heats out of Dollie’s and construction paper. Recently I found some of my old valentines when going through my Mom’s home.
Wow…that is long ago but I do remember bringing Valentines for classmates. Back then Mom and I would find a package of them to buy. There would be a variety, not all the same.
Patty congrats on reaching such a milestone! Your gift of your creativity that you share with so many is a testimony of your great love and compassion for others. Thank you!!!
We always made boxes to put our Valentine cards in. Usually it was a shoe box and it’s lid wrapped in construction paper. There were the packages of Valentine cards, but I made my own. My Mother thought the store bought ones cost too much. I loved making my own.
I loved making valentines and putting one in everybody’s bag. Then you got the surprise of opening 25 different valentines. Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy.
Valentine Day is one of my favorite holidays! In grammar school the class would get together and decorate a big box to hold all the cards. Then everyday leading up to the big day we could put our Valentine cards in it. Then on the day we took turns being the postmaster delivering the cards. Love this candy blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies!
I remember we all made our little bags or hearts for others to put our valentines in. It was always fun when I got home to dump those valentines on my bed and go through. One year, one of my best friends didn’t give me one, her excuse was she didn’t have enough!! I was sad but also happy for the other ones I got.
As a child, I would get so excited for Valentine’s Day. I remember making Valentines and handing them out in the classroom. And my favorite Valentine candy was the candy heart that had the messages printed on them. So much fun back in the day!
We decorated a box to put valentines in and were excited to see all the valentines we received. It was fun to see all the pretty boxes and valentines and see if we received one from any of the boys we liked.
I always enjoyed Valentine’s Day in elementary school. We always decorated valentine boxes, passed out our homemade valentines cards and had a party . When we went to grades 5th thru 8th grade level we good buy red carnations from school and right a special message on them and pass them out to our friends. Those were the days.
As a teacher, Valentines Day was a very special day for my class, full of fun and surprises!
When you’re in first grade getting valentine cards from classmates was so exciting!
❤️ Everyone was everyone’s valentine!
❤️ Friendship and love was in the air.
Thank you for letting me share!
I remember decorating some type of box (cereal, tissue or small shoe box) for our cards to be put in……….you always hoped for a “special” one from the boy you had a crush on!! I remember we always had a little party with cupcakes & kool-aid before we all went home to go thru the box of cards. That was a loooong time ago!! I now make SU cards for my “special” guy & the little grandkids.
I remember making giant heart envelopes and decorating the fronts to hang over our desk so when Valentine’s were passed out, kids could fill up the envelopes.
Thanks for your generous give away and congratulations on many blog posts and pictures.
What wonderful gifts you are giving away, thank you so much for this chance to win. I remember all the years of valentines parties. We always had cookies brought in by mothers who made them. We had paper bags taped to our desks for the Valentine to be put into. Earlier years we made our own, then later we bought our valentines. It was so much fun to look forward to. I love the candy hearts best of all.
Valentines Day while growing up was so special. Store-bought valentines and boxes were not heard of. My artistic mom would help us make handmade valentines using fun construction paper, stickers, glue, etc. Everything was truly made from the heart.
In elementary school our teacher always gave us white lunch sacks to decorate and back then it was just valentine cards, we couldn’t buy a box that came with candy to attach to the card! Our room mothers always provided home baked goods!
We always had a class party with baked treats. It was always fun to decorate the bag or box everyone would put their Valentines in for us to take home. Great blog Candy!
A favorite day in school for me. Combine card and candy- in heaven!
We would decorate boxes and pass out Valentines during class. I remember getting to put a few conversation hearts in each envelope with the card.
My favorite valentine memory was building a very elaborate castle Valentine box. I used Pringles cans for the turrets, everything wrapped in aluminum foil and my castle Lego pieces as accents. My favorite box ever!!
It was fun to give the little hearts to the other kids
Such cute items… thanks for the opportunity! My best childhood memories of valentine’s day as a child was making and decorating boxes to trade cards with. I loved going to pick out valentines and giving them to all of my friends. It was super fun to read them all when we got home from school.
What a generous giveaway! I remember exchanging cards with all of my classmates and eating too much candy some of which they probably don’t even make anymore.
My favorite childhood memories in grade school for Valentine’s Day were decorating shoeboxes with construction paper and aluminum foil. Then we would go around, putting our Valentine cards in each classmate’s box. Of course a “special” Valentine was given to the boy I had a crush on! Always wondered if he “got” my message? Ha! Thanks for the opportunity to win sweet products from you.
I loved passing out the Valentines to everybody in the classroom and receiving valentines from everyone. It was especially nice when someone had put a piece of candy in the Valentine card envelope.
My Valentines memories are wonderful!! We kids decorated bags and taped them to the sides of our desks. On Valentine’s day we all received Valentines from each other!! We had a party with all the goodies-punch, cookies, candy, and other treats 😋 I was always excited to go home and read each and every one. Looking for the special Valentines from friends was awesome!! And picking out certain ones for special friends was fun too! 😻❤️💘
I remember decorating a box or bag for everyone to put their Valentines in. My crafting days started back then. I still have one and all the treasured Valentines from classmates.
I so looked forward to taking my paper bag to school and collecting all the valentines from my school friends. I only wish the kids now days could enjoy that Joy. Now I try to always make things for my grandkids to enjoy, all from StampinUp products-Of Course!
Thanks Patty for the flash back of my childhood! I remember those boxes of Valentines cards that you carefully selected for each of your classmates. Grade school was the most fun for getting those cards, and the parties we would have with the smell of the vanilla sugar cookies and other candy treats. Sweet memories!
I always had fun making Valentine cards boxes to collect valentines from my classmates.
My fond memory is of making my Valentine mailbox and of course putting Valentine cards (handmade) in everyone else’s boxes.
I loved collecting and giving out valentine cards in school. It was such fun. We would always have a party to celebrate the holiday
I loved, loved, loved making my Valentine’s Day box for school. Maybe that’s when crafting with paper all began?
I’m envious of your talent and coloring skills! I love these prizes and can’t wait to see what you have done with them! I usually CASE almost everything you do on your videos!keep it up! Love, love, love them!
making and giving valentines with all my friends
I absolutely loved covering my shoebox with wrapping paper, cutting the slot in the top and decorating it as my own very special valentine mailbox 🙂
Loved to make the little boxes for our desks that friends could slide a card into. Red and white crepe paper and lots of glue!!
I remember decorating a paper bag with hearts etc and then hanging it from the chalkboard ledge as our “mail box”. It was so fun to walk around delivering Valentines to classmates and then getting to see what was in your own bag.
I always enjoyed making a box at school to get Valentines in. It was always exciting to open them and read the messages and see which ones people people picked out. I have a bunch of the ones our children received when they were in school and enjoy seeing what their friends wrote.
From school memories, we used to have a valentine party and everyone had a box with their name on it to put valentines in.
One year, I even made a valentine mail box for my oldest child for him to take to school for the children to put his valentines in.
The children commented to my son that they thought it was cute.
Patty I love your teaching style and your card ideas. I have used many of your suggestions and techniques. My favorite memory of Valentine’s Day in elementary school was when our teacher helped us each make a big mailbox to receive our valentines from the other students. And now Stamp’in Up! Has a Mailbox stamp bundle! That set brought back that memory ❤️
A favorite Valentine memory is the making of Valentine boxes with my daughters!
I loved Valentine’s day when I was in elementary school! Everyone participated in giving out Valentine cards and treats! It was fun! Too young to worry about this person or that person. We liked everyone!
I always loved giving out Valentine’s to my classmates! Such fun. We made homemade card holders for them, most years. One year a classmate gave me a bag of 🍊 oranges for Valentine’s Day! Guess he was looking out for my health!!
Oh my, making the little box for all the Valentine cards and picking out the perfect card assortment to hand out to everyone was very exciting back then!
I will always remember filling out those silly valentine cards for classmates. That day, we always had a pencil box to collect cards for us.
I remember wearing a crocheted sweater vest that my grandma made me. It was red with a pink heart on the front. I was probably in 2nd grade.
My favorite childhood valentines memory is decorating the card box aka shoe box with my Mother!
I Rember passing out valentine when I was a kid. That was so much fun
open them and see you they can from.
I loved the Valentine’s Day school parties. My mom was a room mom and helped plan it. We would spend time baking cookies and making treat bags for the class. Mom has been gone for 8 years. I sure treasure those memories.
I remember having so much fun making Valentine pictures , decorations, notes or crafts when I was in elementary school. I would bring my creation home & my mother would hang it on the refrigerator or place it on the dining room table:)
Valentine’s day was fun, I loved making Valentine’s for all my classmates and we had treats at school. We also decorated bags for others toput our cards in. Rules were one for each child, so no one was left out. We each took home a bag full of love.
I remember making Valentines cards in school. It was such fun because everyone gave everyone a card – even the boy you had a crush on gave you a card!😆 Then when you got home, there were those little Valentines candies waiting for you – the different colored hearts with words written on them.
I loved decorating a shoebox to hold all my special valentines I received. Loved looking at all the cute valentines, especially those that had candy attached.
Loved decorating a shoe box and waiting for the valentines to be dropped in and then looking at them with child like eyes and then watching the same excitement through the eyes of my children, lovely memories!
It was always a fun day! Taking in cards to pass out to my classmates, enjoying a class party, and yummy treats
Patty I love how you process the colors for your project
We would take a box, most likely an old shoe box, and decorate it. There would be an opening on the top and our name somewhere on the box. We would bring our boxes to school and valentines for each person in the class. We would put the valentines for each other in their boxes. Then it was so much fun to look at all of them! And of course we had a classroom party that was so exciting!
Getting ready for Valentine Day was where all students participated in making and decorating a Valentine Box where we dropped out valentines in. Some forgot to write a name on the envelop and there were many giggles from the girls. I dodn’t know why that was so funny, but we girls laughed. I liked the valentine that had conversation candy in them. The teacher made sure that all students received valentines as she knew the ones that would not get many valentines, so she put in extras for them.
Loved the hand decorated valentine boxes on our desks and we gave a valentine to each classmate
The Valentine’s Day cards were cheesy but I loved getting a bag full of them from my classmates.
I loved decorating a Valentine’s Day bag that would hang on my desk that classmates would put Valentine cards in!
I remember decorating a shoe box for school valentines. . . How fun!! Do kids even do this anymore???
Probably for me the favorite part of valentines day was making the valentines. Lots of pink and red paper with stickers and doilies.
Melting crayons and making Valentines that said you rock my world.Also, tying beads on a pencil. So fun!
It was always fun going with my mom to the store to pick out which valentines cards I’d send.
We would decorate a box to be the mailbox for our valentines and then deliver our cards to all the other kids in class. So much fun!
I grew up with 9 brothers and sisters. Valentines boxes were always a favorite as we sat around the kitchen table decorating our boxes and chatting away. And then we addressed our cards. We went to a small K-6 school where each grade had one classroom with 20-25 kids. Fond memories.
Valentine’s Day was special at school when we decorated a box and then our classmates would put a valentine in everyone’s box. No one was left out. I remember giggling when I would look at the cards the boys put in my box.
Thank you so much for this wonderful prize giveaway. It’s very kind of you. I have fond memories of crafting with my mom to make that “special” Valentine box to take to school and baking cookies to take to school, I love that everyone brought cards for the whole class and a special one for the teacher.
Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! So much so we made it our Wedding Anniversary too! My favorite school memory was decorating a box to hold all the Valentines from my classmates-I loved decorating the box hence the start to my paper crafting love!!
My most memorable valentine day experience in grade school was getting a little cup of ice cream & a valentine cookie after we finished exchanging our little valentines with all our classmates. It was always a very special day for everyone.
My favorite memories of Valentines Day in grade school was going with my mother to the House of Fabrics and buying stamps (hearts and greetings) and stamping my valentines💝 I had so much fun stamping I almost forgot to write the names on my valentines!!!!! ❤️
It was always fun to decorate our own valentine boxes at school. (We would all use shoe boxes.)
The biggest decision you had to make was whether you would sign the card “From” or “Love.”
Decorating our shoe boxes was fun and we always only used what we had at home. Money was tight so we couldn’t buy items to decorate with, forced us to be more creative. The most excitement came when it was time to pass our cards out to friends. Trying to get around and slip them in their box without them noticing. The real excitement came when I got home and could spend the evening by going through all of my cards. One of the highlights of elementary school for sure.
It’s funny that before I thought about this question, I never realized that my love for card making and giving started at a young age. I remember wanting to go to the stores to pick out the best valentines card set and then ‘doctor’ them up with sequins or buttons or candy to make them stand out. Sometimes I made them too thick to fit though the slit in the boxes we made each year to collect the cards in class. I loved opening each one and seeing who they were from.
Thank you for having each of us take a stroll down memory lane ❤️
My favorite memory is being a mother of young children making valentine cards for all the grandparents. We used round and heart shaped doilies, red, white and pink paper, of course some glitter. The kids loved doing this but grandma put them up on her windows and they stayed there for 20 plus years.
I have a fun memory of taking Valentines cards to everyone in my class in my early elementary school years. We brought home our Valentines cards in paper bags we decorated.
Elementary school Valentine Parties, making our school Valentine box houses and decorating sugar cookies.
I’m of that generation that receiving a paper lunch bag with paper valentine greetings was so exciting!!
..That’s all I recall 😉
We usually made large construction paper Valentine’s envelopes for our mailbox and taped them to our desk. Everyone (all or none policy) walked around the classroom delivering their cards then hurried back to their desk to open their mail. I always thought the cards with candy attached were so cool. We enjoyed cookies or cupcakes brought in by the Room Mothers. I usually passed on the red punch, though. LOL. This was a sweet walk down memory lane. Thanks, Patty!❤️
Celebrating Valentines Day in school was so many years ago it’s hard to remember back that far. I’m 75 years old now. We decorated a box in pretty paper with a slit in the top to place the cards inside. The week leading up to Valentines we could “mail” our cards to classmates in this box. Then, on that day, we stayed inside during recess and handed out the cards. It was always interesting to see who was most popular due to the number of cards they received. Some students mailed cards to themselves because they thought they would’nt receive any from classmates. If the 14th was on a weekend, we got our cards on Friday before.
Remembering scurrying around classroom depositing our valentines at peoples’ desks. Then we couldn’t wait to open each one and see who they were from!
Well, I wish I had some really cute memory of Valentine’s Day Back in elementary school, but we had just arrived in the United States, and I was completely clueless as to what went on. I remember sitting there and people were scurrying around, depositing little valentines in peoples bags and boxes, and I think the teacher might’ve taken pity on me given me one of hers. Oh well, I’m not scarred for life or anything, so no big deal. Even now my husband and I don’t make a big deal about it. We give each other a card and that’s it but thanks for the giveaway and I love your blog.
I went to a small school with grades 1-12 in one 3 story building. I always made my valentines, but could never find (or afford) envelopes. Everyone in my class received a valentine from me with their name and mine on the back.
I remember making a valentine themed box to take to class for all of my classmates to put their valentines into. Then each of us would open our box full of valentines in class.
I remember the 5th grade teachers in my school had us make heart-shaped molded keepsake “cookies” from cinnamon dough (the stuff we generally make ornaments from) and we exchanged them with kids in the other 5th grade class—a random exchange that meant no one was excluded and everyone had a secret Valentine. We all fantasized that our tokens were from our favorite boys!
This reminds me of school days long ago when we made Valentines cards for our classmates. Of course we attached a lollipop or chocolate to it. Thanks for your post.
My mom would always make cupcakes for my class when I was in grade school. A nice treat for everyone
Oo, thanks for the opportunity!
I remember loving choosing valentines for each classmate and hoping everyone put that much effort into what they gave me, haha! And putting as many hearts as possible on my box every year.
In grade school we always made and decorated a “begged old shoe box of Mom’s”, ( with a slit in the top) to sneak a valentine into for every classmate. A ” Special Valentine” for the secret cute boy. Mother’s would bring cupcakes and heart shaped candies for everyone and some red Kool-aid to celebrate. The class would sometimes vote on the best decorated Valentine Box, and the winner would get some new pencils, new pen or notebook paper from the teacher. Great fun!
As I recall my elementary school days, we didn’t decorate shoe boxes, we decorated paper sacks which were then attached to the rails of the chalk boards (I know, I’m old! We had chalk boards.) The biggest treat was that some kids added a stick of chewing gum with their valentines. We then had a Valentine’s party where we all opened our valentines and someone usually brought cupcakes for us to celebrate. Days were simple, cards were simple, but they meant the world to us as everyone gave everyone a card. No one was left out.
I have no “fond” memories of Valentine’s Day from my elementary years. It wasn’t one of my favorite events. But- as an elementary teacher for 19 years (before heading to college level instruction), Valentine’s Day became one of my favorites. It was exciting to me as an adult to see the students’ excitement about the day and all the activities. Now as a retired educator, I use my card making hobby to make dozens of cards each holiday to donate to area nursing homes, hospital auxiliaries, and my church. Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday to share the love.
I loved exchanging valentines in our grade school classrooms. We would make a valentine ‘bos’ to receive all the cards. A fun memory