Reminder to Redeem your $5 Coupons


Reminder! You have 10 Days left to redeem your $5 Bonus Days Coupons from July!

Redeem Bonus Days coupons earned on papercrafting purchases through Stampin' Up! July 2024

Whohoo!! It’s that magical time when you can redeem your $5 Stampin’ UP! Bonus Days Coupons that were earned in July!!

Who doesn’t love a discount on their Stampin’ Up! order!!?

The easiest way I have found is to copy the code right from the email you received from Stampin’ Up! and just paste it into the coupon code redemption box in the online store as you are placing your order.

You can use more than one code per order.

Important to Note!

If you are placing a $50 or more order to record on your Free Stamps with Patty form, your order will still need to be a minimum of $50 (before tax and shipping) to be recorded on the form.

Example..  if you have a $52 order but you take off a $5 coupon code, your order will be $47 and will NOT qualify for a spot on your Free Stamps with Patty form.

Online store for paper crafting supplies:

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