Whohooo! $1.5 Million Milestone Achieved!

  Whohoooo! I'm super excited to share the great news!   I have reached the $1.5 million milestone in personal sales with Stampin' Up!   THANK YOU to all of my customers who have ordered from me over the past 22+ years to help me achieve this goal!   That's a LOT of rubber stamps, …

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Winner of Week 3 Give Away – Countdown to $1.5 million

 WHohooo!  Week #3 prize Winner! As you know, I am counting down to my next milestone of achieving $1.5 million in personal sales! It should happen this month and I'm very excited, and very grateful to you, my amazing customers! I'm sharing prizes all month long (each Wednesday) along with 3 shopping sprees!     …

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The Countdown Continues!

  Exciting times here, counting down to my $1.5 million in personal career sales milestone!! Who will be the winner of the Week 3 prize? This week one lucky winner will receive: Watercolor Paper Aqua Painters Blender Pens Stampin' UP! Watercolor Pencils Whoohoo!! Who will it be?  Drawing late on Tues. night, 2/20/18. Winner announced …

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Winner of Week 2 Give Away – Countdown to $1.5 million

 Sharing some Love today!! As you know, I am counting down to my next milestone of achieving $1.5 million in personal sales! It should happen this month and I'm very excited, and very grateful to you, my amazing customers! I'm sharing prizes all month long (each Wednesday) along with 3 shopping sprees!     The …

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Winner of the Week 1 Countdown Give Away

  As you know, I am counting down to my next milestone of achieving $1.5 million in personal sales! It should happen this month and I'm very excited, and very grateful to you, my amazing customers! I'm sharing prizes all month long (each Wednesday) along with 3 shopping sprees!   The winner of the week …

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Getting Close to $1.5 Million in Sales!

  If you have been following me for a few years, you may remember almost 2-1/2 years ago when I achieved my Million $$ in personal career sales with Stampin' Up! in Sept. 2015.  That was the highlight of my 20 year Stampin' Up! career!! I am SUPER excited to share the news with you …

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