Awesome FRIEND card!

Dsc05581 I just LOVE this card sent to me by friend and demonstrator, Alice Simonds of Illinois.  It’s a GREAT combo of the Paisley background stamp (pg 169) and 3 sets from the Spring Mini Catalog: Polka Dots & Petals, That’s Nice, and Office Accoutrement. I love the addition of the 3 ribbons, 2 punches, brads, direct to paper technique.. wow.. Awesome card!!  Thanks, Alice!!

images copyright Stampin’ Up!  1990-2007

Pretty Roses Today!


I was in my garden with my camera this morning – as I am every morning! – and thought that George Burns was especially lovely today with many blooms!!!

Dsc05594_crop The variation in the coloring on this George Burns bush is just gorgeous.  I’m so glad I picked this one out on Mother’s Day!!!  It was kind of a leap of faith.. I had not seen it before visiting that nursery, but the picture looked wonderful, and it has turned out to be just fabulous!  The yellow fades to white as the blossom matures.. very cool.

Dsc05584_crop My Peace rose just looked so, well, peaceful today!  Just so gorgeous.  And my lovely George Burns roses are in the background.. just perfect for a photo!

Dsc05589_crop This is another mystery rose in my garden.. again, I planted this one about 8 years ago and didn’t leave the tag on it.  It is about 7′ tall and produces massive amounts of gorgeous roses all summer.  Anyone have a guess on its name?  When I prune it I leave it at about 3′ tall.. I love how it grows so tall and is the QUEEN of the garden!  My mom always left several of her rosebushes quite tall (maybe she didn’t even prune them?), so I figured I could just do the same thing! (smile!)