15 thoughts on “My Digital Studio Video Tutorial – coloring in outline stamped images”

  1. I was thinking that might have been how you did it but I’m just amazed at how much you are discovering and teaching all of us the tips and tricks!! Can’t wait for blog headers!
    Thanks so much!

  2. Patty, Thanks so much for all the sharing you are doing. It is so awesome for me to be able to learn these tips and tricks from you.

  3. You are awesome! What a clever idea! You are making MDS more and more fun all the time!
    Thank you, also, for emailing me and helping me through trying to create card inserts! It WAS my margins and I got it corrected!
    Thanks for all you do for us!

  4. Hi Patty,
    If you can believe it, I finally heard your first MDS Video, this one, and it is wonderful! I heard so much chatter about it, and knew when I had a free moment I just had to see ‘hear’ what all the buzz was about… Well, my dear, you continue to outdue yourself!!!
    HUGE HUGS from NJ!

  5. awesome, awesome, awesome! All the things you’ve shown talked me into getting this for Christmas and now I’m using this tip! thank you so much! 😀


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