My Digital Studio MEETS Simply Adorned Charms!

Hmmmmm really???  My Digital Studio and Simply Adorned Charms together???? YOU BET!!

I've been having an absolute BLAST preparing for my Simply Adorned Charm class in April !!  check it out.. here are a few finished samples:

Lg sample 1

All of the backgrounds were printed in MDS !!!!!

Lg sample 9
Lg sample 12

SOOO.. YOU ARE ASKING..    What does My Digital Studio have to do with this??

  WELL… I designed and printed out "backdround sheets" in MDS and then cut them to size and stamped a focal point!!!  ALL OF THOSE BACKGROUNDS ON EVERY CHARM ARE PRINTED FROM MDS! 🙂  I used my Epson R1900 Photo printer and Espon paper for best results.

Charm background 1

BELOW: Here are the background MDS sheets all cut to 1-1/2" x 2 for the large charms!

Won't this class be so fun and easy !!??

Charm lg

A few more large charm samples for you:

Lg sample 5

Lg sample 7

Below.. I used Rub Ons for "Friends Forever" and used a Window Sheet on top of the "L"… fun to mix and match different media!
Lg sample 8

BELOW: The scalloped edge is a piece of a "Hugs" note (pg 19 in the Occasions Mini catalog).

 Lg sample 13

All Simply Adorned chain and charm information can be viewed on page 28 of the Occasions Mini catalog.


order any Simply Adorned Chain and Charm (1-1/2"x2, 1"x1-1/4" or 1×1) and recieve 6 free background inserts from me!!  All you need to do is stamp your focal point on them!  Colors and backgrounds will vary.  Offer Expires March 31, 2010.

Sweet pea sig 2Shopping cart shop now

19 thoughts on “My Digital Studio MEETS Simply Adorned Charms!”

  1. These are fantastic. I just did my very first charm last night and now I’m hooked. You bet I’ll be trying this.

  2. Oh, I love these ideas! Would you believe I JUST got my copy of MDS? And I JUST ordered my first charms – so I’ve got some creating to do! Thanks for the inspiration!


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