Altered Au Chocolat Designer paper

May_07_altering_au_chocolate_copy One of the Techniques we covered in my 6×6 Technique Book Class in May was to alter the color of the Au Chocolat Designer Series Paper by using a Foam Brayer rolled in our Classic Ink and brayered onto the designer paper.  This changes the vanilla background to whatever color you are brayering over it and leaves the dark Chocolate Chip color unchanged!  At left, we used (clockwise) Certainly Celery, Regal Rose and Almost Amethyst to alter the Au Chocolat paper!  Very cool, don’t ya think?

This is a card that demonstrator Sharon Howard sent to me after taking the technique class.  She altered the Au Chocolat paper by brayering the Almost Amethyst ink over it, and very cleverly scalloped the bottom edge of the paper,Dsc05557_copy_2 and cut out extra portions of the paper to make the flower center!!  Thanks, Sharon! Great card!! 

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