Mother’s Day Garden


As promised, here is an update on the progress made in the garden yesterday, on Mother’s Day!  First.. I wouldn’t be a mom without my darling son.. here he is.. taller than I am and I’m wearing heels!! 

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Here are 2 of the new Alstromeria plants I got yesterday.. I got 5 total, in all different, gorgeous colors!! 

Dsc05450 These are my 2 new roses.. I decided to try them in pots.  They are both beauties!!  George Burns and Peace. Since they are on the deck, I can see them from my office window! yeah!

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So here are the results of what we did yesterday.. we spent about 5 hours digging out grass and making a new planter.  My husband edged it with used brick to match the walkway, and we dug and dug and dug in that hard clay "soil", then added "good soil" and planted 5 Asltromeria, 1 Martha Washington Geranium and 2 Asiatic Lilies.  Yeah!  I can see it all from my office window.. yippee!!  I’m SO happy!  What a great Mother’s Day gift to have my family help me plant new flowers!

Dsc05447_2 See, I told you it wasn’t easy digging in this earth we have in the back yard.. pictured here is the variety of tools needed just to excavate the grass and till in some "good" soil and dig holes for these new plants! 

OK, so I think you are updated on the "Mother’s Day Garden". 

Stamping photos will follow later today!  Have a great day!

1 thought on “Mother’s Day Garden”

  1. HI Pat!
    Love the pictures of your garden. You will love th Peace rose. I had it in my garden and it is beautiful. \Stands up well to the rain in the northwest!


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