Merry Christmas – from Germany

Imagine my surprise when I found an envelope from someone in Germany in my pile of Christmas cards:

Melanie env 

My Sweet Blogging Friend, Melanie, sent me this adorable Christmas greeting!!!


How sweet was that!?  I love checking out her BLOG even tho I don't know what it says, but I love her photos and she is always so sweet to comment on my blog and email me when I have questions about her blog - gotta love all the people I've met through my blog… you are ALL WONDERFUL!!!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas cookie

10 thoughts on “Merry Christmas – from Germany”

  1. Hi Patty,
    Just wanted to tell you I check your blog everyday. You are a wonderful inspiration!!
    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas,

  2. Well – it’s not just Germany and France that would like to send you a card – how about sharing your address with us in a pm???
    Just love visiting your blog – you have such wonderful ideas. I bought my very first SU sets from you….you initiated me into a wonderful world of creativity… you’ll always have a special place in my heart. Blessings to you and your family

  3. How wonderful to receive this gift from so far away. I checked out the link and I like her blog too. What talent! You really said it all when you mentioned all the friends you made from your blog. I am at home today, shut in, and I received 9 “feel better” and “how are you” greetings from blog friends. These are people who have never seen me but communicate with me at least once a week and some daily. They either follow my blog or I have met them from reading and replying on their posts, just like I do on yours. Stamping people are some of the best! God bless you!

  4. You are so right. Melanie has a great blog. I can’t read it either, but the few pictures I looked at,are great. I love the picture with the hearts on the stand. so cute.

  5. Patty, your blog is always so full of great stuff! Thank you for always taking the time to share your life with us!
    Just FYI, Melanie’s blog has a translator widget (?) that will translate it into English or French. Very nice to be able to read what she writes!
    Aloha and God bless you and your family!
    Tish Buhr


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