Bleaching Technique – Fifth Avenue Floral

This is the 3rd project from my 6×6 Technique Book Class that I taught this week.  Yes, there was definitely a FLOWER theme going on ! 🙂

The stamps are "inked" in bleach, stamped on Chocolate Chip cardstock, and accented with Barely Banana cardstock, Vanilla ribbon and Taste of Textiles striped paper.

Bleach 5th ave floral

Bleach Stamping


·         Bleach (fresh, newly purchased bleach is best)

·         Disposable “Glad” type container

·         Paper towels

·         Stamps – outline images work best

·         cardstock


1.         Be sure you are in a well ventilated area, and you may wish to protect your clothing or wear old clothes

2.        To make a “bleach pad” fold a paper towel or 2 in fourths and place it in a sandwich size disposable plastic container (Gladware type)

3.        Pour some bleach onto the paper towel – enough to make it wet but not soaking or dripping wet

4.       Stamp your outline image stamp into the bleach pad – but be careful not to let the bleach puddle up on your stamp

5.        Stamp immediately onto cardstock, holding stamp for a few seconds to let the bleach fully penetrate the cardstock.  Lift stamp and watch the cardstock change color

6.       Experiment with different colors of cardstock.. not many bleach to white –  it’s fun to see what color they turn!

7.        Clean stamps immediately with Stampin’ Mist, dry and store.

8.        Dispose of your “bleach pad” when done stamping for the day.


Signature hybiscus

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