Watercolor Fifth Avenue Floral Roses

I was soooooooo excited to learn this new watercoloring technique – taught by Connie Ingram at the Seattle Stampin' Up! Regional and shared by Sandi MacIver – I am having a fabulous time watercoloring roses! 

This will be one of the 6×6 Technique Projects we make in my class on Monday/Tues next week.  Stay tuned next week for details & directions.


Watercolor flowers 

Here is some of my inspiration… the bouquet I picked in my garden yesterday!!! whoohooo! I love spring!!

Vase april 09 

EDITED TO ADD:  many have asked where I live to have such wonderful blooms already in mid-April… I live in the San Francsico Bay Area and we have had a very mild winter and warm spring, so my roses are VERY HAPPY.  They are usually in full bloom by the end of April, and by Mother's day my garden will be overflowing 🙂

Signature hybiscus

41 thoughts on “Watercolor Fifth Avenue Floral Roses”

  1. I wasn’t really going to try this…but now seeing your I think I might! Do your roses just bloom all year? I can’t believe you could have all of those gorgeous flowers in your garden right now. In Chicago I am looking at some of my trees thinking they may not have made it through the winter they still look so bare. Have a great day.

  2. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOWWW!!Your flowers (both cards and real) are GOJUSSSSS.. so amazing…I would make a tent and live in that garden if I had it! lol.. Here in NY not even close.. We are “just” starting to see little peeks today we are suppose to FINALLY reach 70 (crossing my fingers) but for now I will just con’t. to stare at your amazing flowers WOW…:)

  3. Where do you live??? We just got green grass about a week ago! lol! Your flowers from the garden are beautiful . . . as are your hand-crafted ones. I’m looking forward to the tutorial!

  4. OMW, Patty, that is beatiful! Both your real flowers and your interpretation of the roses!! So lucky to have such beauty around you. I saw the *beginnings* of a tulip bud yesterday. Hope we don’t have any more frost and they can get growing!!
    -Ready for spring in WI!

  5. You are killing me with those fresh flowers!!! I love your roses and other florals…SOOOOOO beautiful! We are just starting to get a few leaves on the trees here in SE NE!!! UGH…
    Your watercoloring is fabulous as well…you do such beautiful work. I enjoy your blog immensely, and never miss a day to come by! I know you will always have something WONDERFUL in store for us! Thank you for all the hard work you do to help everyone else be inspired! 😀

  6. Well, I have no idea how to do the watercolor techinique and will probably never see it in person so I will probably never be able to do that or to demo it (darn it)….anyway, it is beautiful…and your flowers are breathtaking!! I would LOVE to see your garden!!!! I LOVE flowers!!!! It is still too cold here….:(
    ….Sharon 🙂

  7. Patty: These are gorgeous flowers. I can’t wait to get going on a bouquet myself. I don’t have the real flowers to copy from like you though!! Thanks so much for sharing. Mary Davis

  8. The cards are looking very pretty. I love these flowers and I can´t wait until you tell us more about the technique.
    And your bouquet really britens my heart!The colours are so beautiful.I wish I could take a walk through your garden and smell all these wonderful flowers.
    Love Melanie

  9. can’t wait to see how to this as it looks awesome.Your garden must be beautiful. We are having a possible snowfall here in Alberta, ughh!!!!

  10. There are no words for those beautiful flowers! I ALSO love your card and can hardly wait for the instructions! We cannot even plant things yet except for onions and potatoes that don’t freeze! And roses no less! WOW!

  11. Patty, your card is beautiful. Love your style. However, that bouquet of flowers is absolutely gorgeous. Like others asked, where do you live to have some garden beauty so early? Daffodils in bloom and tulips just starting in Western Washington but no floral bouquets like yours. Thanks for sharing both!

  12. Absolutely stunning! Can’t wait for the details! You have the most beautiful flowers. They are always so…perfect! Just like all your card designs. You are super to share it all with us.

  13. OMG…stunning and gorgeous watercolored roses and bouquet!!!! I also get inspired by our flower gardens and wildflowers at home on the Oregon Coast “Bay Area”…Coos Bay 🙂 We live up the river where it is warmer. Thanks again Patty for sharing. Can’t wait for the “rest of the story”!

  14. What truly beautiful flowers both in the vase and on your cards!! That looks like one great technique to learn. I could never grow flowers like yours where I live here in Australia – just gorgeous.

  15. You are KILLING me with all theses beautiful Flowers!!! That’s it!!!!! I am getting a bouquet for my table today! We are just starting to get all the spring flowers my tulips, are up and my beading heart is sooooo close to open.. Can’t wait it’s a favorite of the whole family.. We have had it for years and even transplanted it when we moved..
    thanks for making us all jealous

  16. Hi Patty, Someone just gave me this sight. Its pretty awesome. I will be getting on as much as possible. I just planted another rose bush. those flowers you have are gorgeous. Thanks Roxanne

  17. Patty your card and flowers are so beautiful. You do such a wonderful job on your video. I look forward to trying this technique. Paula Richards


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