Stampin’ Up! Convention 2009 – update 4

Some of my very favorite things about convention include watching stamping presentations on stage by Shelli,  by Stampin' Up! staff and by fellow demonstrators… here are some of my favorite on stage demos from Convention this year…

Below:  Two Tags die made into a JOY garland

Christmjas joy

Below:  Spooky Treats rub-ons

Halloween 1

Below: Table Settings die and Fancy Favor die

Table setting die

Below: Buttons on Twill tape

Button twill.jpg

Below: Triangle box by Shelli

Shelli stage 1 

Below: gift inside triangle box (by Shelli)

Shelli stage 2

Below: BOO Garland banner made with Pennant die (by Shelli)

Shelli stage 3

I have over 1,100 photos I can share with you …. so keep watching for future posts with more Convention updates!

Signature hybiscus

7 thoughts on “Stampin’ Up! Convention 2009 – update 4”

  1. I’m so glad you will be posting more photos. I just hate it that I cannot go more often than I do. Did you notice fewer demonstrators this year due to economic difficulties?

  2. I was so sad that I couldn’t attend this year. I could have walked on stage for my 5 year anniversary. Congratulations to you on all of your awards,and Thank you so much for sharing all the great projects with us!

  3. I am thrilling to hear that you got awards. Congratuations to you. Thank you for sharing with me the beautiful projects. I can’t wait to see 1,100 photos. Smile


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