My Digital Studio Sampler Book – Offer

I am really happy with the 2 pages I added to my 8×8 My Digital Studio Sampler album featuring just a few of our stamp images that come in the program:

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If you would like a copy of my 28 page 8×8 album which showcases some of the products and features of My Digital Studio, (seen here), you can purchase it by clicking the BUY NOW button below.  Album has my name/blog address on the front and my website in small print on most pages.  You can VIEW IT HERE, and please note, the ABOVE 2 PAGES WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED in the album. I have also added a matching back cover to the book. $60.00 Price includes shipping direct to you. U.S. Orders only. 



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2 thoughts on “My Digital Studio Sampler Book – Offer”

  1. THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for offering this for sale. My computer is too old for me to get the software now, but thanks to you I can show my customers what they can get!!!!


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