>  I am just so excited I cannot stand it!!!! As of July, (with the new catalog), here is what our color collection will be: <<>  I am just so excited I cannot stand it!!!! As of July, (with the new catalog), here is what our color collection will be: <<NEW STAMPIN' UP! COLORS!!! I'm sooooo excited!! - Patty Stamps

NEW STAMPIN’ UP! COLORS!!! I’m sooooo excited!!


Stampin' Up! is releasing 5 BRAND NEW COLORS aaaaaaaaaaaaand bringing BACK 10 of the retired In Colors!!   OH MY GOSH>>  I am just so excited I cannot stand it!!!!

As of July, (with the new catalog), here is what our color collection will be:

ScreenHunter_33 Apr. 06 12.58

<<<  CLICK to see a larger version! 

These wonderful new color collections will be available to everyone with the new Stampin' Up! catalog in July …. AND if you are a DEMONSTRATOR you get to order them early!!!!!  (not a demonstrator yet?  FIND OUT MORE info about joining my Luv 2 Stamp Group  HERE!)

For me, stamping is ALL ABOUT COLOR… so I am just beyond excited about having NEW COLORS to play with !!!

We will also get 5 new In Colors in the new catalog, too !!!! 

5 NEW COLORS (see chart above):

Marina Mist, Daffodil Delight, Cherry Cobbler, Cajun Craze and Early Espresso

10 RETURNING IN COLORS (see chart above):

Baja Breeze, Melon Mambo, Pink Pirouette, Rich Razzleberry, Riding Hood Red, River Rock, Soft Suede, Tangerine Tango and Wild Wasabi

If you need to stock up on any of the current colors that will be retiring soon, check with your demonstrator, or if you don't have one, you may ORDER ONLINE ANYTIME << CLICK Shop Now!

ScreenHunter_34 Apr. 06 13.39 Current Colors that will Retire in June:

glorious green
green galore
gable green
yoyo yellow
only orange
pink passion
pixie pink
orchid opulence
lovely lilac
brilliant blue
close to cocoa
creamy caramel
really rust
ruby red
cameo coral
summer sun
bordering blue
brocade blue
ballet blue
taken with teal
handsome hunter
pale plum
blush blossom
apricot appeal
barely banana
mellow moss
sage shadow
almost amethyst
lavender lace
basic brown
going gray
Whoohooooooo!! New Colors… New Colors… I am soooo excited!  Way to go Stampin' Up!
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16 thoughts on “NEW STAMPIN’ UP! COLORS!!! I’m sooooo excited!!”

  1. There are actually SIX new colors – your forgot Crumb Cake! I am disappointed that they are retiring so many of the colors especially the purples!

  2. Excited about the new, the old coming back, River Rock was on special just recently, and I picked it up, glad I did, now it’s back, but sad about all the beautiful purples that I JUST added to my collection.

  3. Thanks for posting this Patty. Now I know it’s ok to post these charts on our blogs. Wasn’t sure if we could. I’m excited about all the new colors, but not about having to reorganize again so soon after reorganizing after the fire. I feel like my life has turned into a permanent reorganization. LOL It will be great though to have new colors to play with.

  4. I wonder whether they’ll also re-vamp or re-design the ink pads themselves. I don’t care for the fact that they don’t stack on top of one another without slipping off.

  5. Patty, I am so excited too! I was a little apprehensive at first, but these color collections are so much better for me — I too wish there were more purples, but truth be told, I never used the ones we have — they were never “just right” for me. We’ll see what next year’s in colors are though! 🙂

  6. Patty – Thanks for posting…when I saw your post, I posted the BIG news on my blog too! I was apprehensive at first about the changes, but the more I listened and looked, the more I think this is the most exciting thing to happen in my 3 years with Stampin’ Up! (and I didn’t think anything could top the Big Shot!). Now I really can not wait for July…don’t need to be wishing time away though. I’m heading to Milwaukee this weekend for Regional…I know what the big topic of conversation will be!

  7. I’m completed DISGUSTED with the color renovation. They retired almost all the colors I design with on a regular basis. Unbelievable and sickening!!

  8. it’s a toss up. I am mad and a lil excited about the few new colors and bringing back some of the In Colors. They for to bring back Cool Carribean though!!!! Thanks for giving us the 4 1 1 on it!!!
    Hugs, Heidi Brawley

  9. Thank you so much. Patty. I have been looking all over for something like this. I couldn’t find it quickly on the web site or on Splltcoast. You are a wonderful help.

  10. I think this is a great step for Stampin Up although I can’t imagine how new demonstrators feel about having to replace all their colors at once! I’ve been debating whether or not to buy the In Colors each year and now I’ll have the chance! Thanks for posting Patty!

  11. Patty, I noticed (on accident) when listing them on paper…you only have 9 out of the 10 mentioned under the returning colors…just thought I’d let you know. I know I often refer back to your website for a wealth of information. Thank you!


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