Luv 2 Stamp Group Mtg Sept. 2010 Presentations

We enjoyed learning tips and great project ideas from 6 presentations at our Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting earlier this month… here are a few samples from a couple of the presenters.

Steph Leider demonstrated samples using the new Candy Wrapper Die. (see pg 10 in the Holiday mini – catalog item #120890)  She taught each person how to close the end of the box and then showed them her samples and how to proceed with our Make & Take project using that die.  Thanks, Steph!!


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This was our Candy Wrapper die Make & Take:

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 I LOVE the new GLIMMER BRADS… wow.. they add too much fun to a project!  (see pg 36 in the Holiday Mini catalog for the 4 dazzling color combos available!)

Kim Wong shared ideas using the Simply Sent Kits and a l Carte stamps.  She has been using GLOSSY cardstock lately and "wowing" her workshop guests.


Our Make & Take at her table uses GLOSSY White cardstock (pg 170, item #102599) for the Homemade a la Carte stamp tag (pg 18, item #116978) stamped with Cherry Cobbler ink. 

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The new  Mini Lunch Sacks (pg 13 holiday mini, item #121031) are wheeled and then decorated with a tag using the Homemade stamp stamped on Glossy White, then punched with the 2-3/8" Scallop Circle punch (pg 201, item #118874), and then put on the new 21/2" circle punch in Cherry Cobbler cardstock (pg 19 holiday mini catalog, item #120906) and tied to the bags with the FAB new 1/2" Seam Binding in Cherry Cobbler (pg 21 holiday mini, item #120992).  CLICK HERE to order any of these products online now :)   

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