Stampin’ Loft Redo – my “Lightbox”

I've been sharing photos of my stampin' loft with you over the past month or so.. I'm glad you are enjoying the ideas for storing and organizing your stampin' and crafting stuff, I mean SUPPLIES! : ) 

The last part I have to share with you is my new "lightbox".

Once I was done with my "redo"… I looked at one of the shelves and said…"HMMMMMMMM I am thinking this would be a GREAT place to take photos of my projects…"… it was at eye level (no more stooping over), it was near an electrical outlet for the lights, and right there in MY SPACE!!  In the past I've taken photos in the living room on the floor, in front of the window, on the couch, in the stairwell under the skylight.. you name it I've tried it.. . I even tried pix in our huge bathtub since it's white and has great natural lighting… so I was READY for a "lightbox". 

Lightbox on shelf 1

It is just a piece of white paper from a roll of paper taped to the wall in back and then brought forward and tucked under the front of the bottom shelf, with a 12×12 white piece of cardboard (from the Stampin' Up! Designer Paper packages) on each side!!  The lights are from a home improvement store and have "daylight" bulbs in them. They clamp to the shelf above.

Lightbox shelf 2

It works for me and the total cost was under $20, and I am really pleased with it 🙂

Lightbox close up

I'm Happy to report that I have kept my floor cleaned up ever since starting this "redo" several months ago… and it feels so good!

Patty loft floor

I hope you've enjoyed the Stampin' Loft Tour.. thanks for visiting me!

Patty loft pb

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6 thoughts on “Stampin’ Loft Redo – my “Lightbox””

  1. Hi Patti,
    Enjoyed your stampin’ space and that is a clever set up for a light box. Love your space by the way. Very organized, as much as I try I can’t get mine to look good and organized oh well it’s my mess LOL.Hope you are having a wonderful time on your cruise, can’t wait to see pictures of it all.
    Mary L.

  2. Patty, I love your “lightbox” and I think it’s something I can set up in my craft room – I just have to find some shelf space! TFS and I hope you are enjoying the cruise!

  3. OMG!!! I have these same shelves and I am going to totally CASE this idea. You are so smart!! Thanks chickie!!
    Hope you’re having fabulous fun on your cruise. Can’t wait to hear all about it when you return.
    Be safe!

  4. LOVE this idea Patty! Will have to try to recreate it in my space (I did the bathroom thing too at one time!) What is the wattage for each bulb?

  5. Your cards and projects always look so wonderful – whodathunk it was so easy! Thanks for sharing so much with everyone!

  6. Well this is pretty excellent,all i can say this one is plan and think very well specially the display and it is a good idea for me,in Finland country many of business are looking for some idea in part of Helsinki there are some services that providing interior design of store which they provide the display rack and other stuff specially the fit furniture for it and ideas like this specially how organize everything in display was great.


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