If you are having trouble viewing my blog or the photos in the email updates you have subscribed to, I appologize… I am not completely sure but I am guessing Firefox did some kind of update? It seems those with Internet Explorer are having difficulting viewing my blog, but those with Firefox are ok.
So you may want to try using Firefox as your browser to view my blog posts.
Until I really know if that is the problem I am not sure what else to suggest.. if you have a suggestion as to how I can troubleshoot this, please let me know. Please leave a comment below if you have a suggestion for me.
I have no problems viewing in in explorer on my computer,
I’m using Google Chrome and am having no trouble at all seeing your posts.
I use Internet Explorer and see everything just fine.
I cannot see your blog with IE. Only if I use google chrome, don’t use Firefox. I sent you an email with alittle more information.
If anyone is trying to view your blog, pictures, and/or videos and can’t it, it’s probably because they updated to Internet Explorer 9, if so, all they have to do is remove the update and everything will go back to normal.
I use Firefox and was having trouble the last few days, but everything can be seen just fine now.
I have the same comment as Patricia @ Stamped Sentiments. Unfortunately I’m not sure what to suggest if people are still having problems, but wanted to at least let you know that the problems I had are fixed now. 🙂
No problem on IE explorer for me either.
Today-still can’t get blog from IE. Downloaded Firefox-no problems.
I haven’t been able to view for almost a week, but it is finally back today. Yay. I use Google Chrome.
OK with Mac Safari;-)
I use firefox for some things, but IE for email. For several days I wasn’t able to see pics in the email or load your blog either from email links, or just typing it in, but now it’s fine in all respects, so hopefully they’re getting it worked out for IE since some still can’t access it seems from comments.
I use Firefox for everything and can’t view your blog and I tried IE and that doesn’t help either.