Baker’s Twine Keepers – Hostess Gift!

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Twine keepers closeup Thought I’d share my Stampin’ Up! Workshop Hostess gifts with you … these adorable decorated containers are Baker’s Twine Keepers!!

I know I saw this idea somewhere on the internet.. if you came up with it, please email me so I can give you credit!  {{UPDATE: Diana Gibbs emailed me.. i think it was on her site that I first saw it.. not sure.. thanks Di!!}} Marie also has this on her blog.. so cute!

Twine ribbon rolls I’ve been saving the plastic spools from the Ribbon rolls from all the ribbon shares, and of course I’m always saving the empty button and brad containers from Stampin’ Up!… so it was a natural fit to make these. You can also purchase the empty containers here.

Twine packages Stampin’ Up! Baker’s twine (Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso and White) all come wound on these cardboard pieces… I’m not a huge fan of this packaging method, so when I saw this idea, I knew i had to make these for myself… but I couldn’t stop making them.. so I made them for my Workshop Hostesses!

Step 1: wind the Baker’s Twine onto the empty ribbon spools

Twine on roll 2
Step 2:  Depending on your empty container… if the spool is going to fly around loosly in there, then add Sticky Strip to one side of the spool and attach a 2-3/8″ scallop circle or plain circle piece of cardstock

Twine sticky strip Twine on scallop

Step 3:  use your CROP A DILE and punch a hole in the side of one of the containers:

Twine crop a dile

Step 4:  feed the end of the Baker’s Twine through the hole:

Twine in hole
Step 5:  put the spool into the container:

Twine scallop in cont
Step 6: place the lid on top and decorate

Spice cake buttons I fell in love with the new jumbo Spice Cake Designer Buttons, and used those to decorate my containers… notice how I decorated mine with either white accents (for the white twine), or Cherry Cobbler accents for the Cherry Cobbler twine or Early Espresso accents for the Early Espresso twine!?  Just a tad bit clever.. huh?  🙂

Don’t miss out on the HOLIDAY MINI ACCESSORY SAMPLER I’m offering right now!  Spice Cake Buttons are included in that sampler!

Twine keepers 2
FABULOUS TIP:  punch Designer Paper circles with your 1-1/4″ circle punch and they fit PERFECTLY inside the center of the adorable Spice Cake Buttons!!

Twine keepers 1

Order your Baker’s Twine here today!

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13 thoughts on “Baker’s Twine Keepers – Hostess Gift!”

  1. what a clever Idea = keeps it all together and nice and clean!!! now to find some spools and containers to wind my twine!!!! 🙂

  2. Hi Patty,
    Diana Gibbs’ MaMMa made one for her for convention. I don’t know if that might be where you saw it but that’s where I first saw the idea, on Diana’s website. I love how you’ve added the scallop circle to the top along with the button and twine.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this idea. I have been saving these empty containers (why I don’t know) but now I have a use for them. I have already made some for my Baker’s twine and posted it on my blog with a link to your blog.

  4. What a wonderful idea to use singly as hostess gifts! Not sure why I hadn’t thought of that as I, too, was inspired by Diana’s post ( and made holders as downline gifts when we went to the Regional in Las Vegas. Here’s my take on the Fabulous idea ( Di’s MAMMa is the bomb!!!

  5. Patty, I am a fellow demonstrator and follow your blog — thank you so much for sharing all the cute ideas with us. You have a generous crafter’s heart!

  6. I just love this idea as well. I used it to store the headphones for my phone as it gest all tangled u pin my purse otherwise.
    Thanks for sharing!!


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