MDS Tags & Bags for my Leadership Gals

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As I prepare to leave for the Stampin' Up! Leadership Conference in about a week, I was making and mailing the gifts for the wonderful gals in my downline who are attending the event with me.

Before Christmas, I made some "bag tags" in My Digital Studio using the "Swatchbook" option. As you can see by the sample in this link, the swatchbook is meant to be a horizontal book with pages held together by a rivet.. but I made mine with a vertical layout and took the book apart when it arrived from the Stampin' Up! Printing service and I used them as "bag tags" for my gals (and for some Christmas gifts as well).

Totes mds tags
The back of every tag is the same, but I personalized the front of each tag in My Digital Studio:

31 tags leadership

I made each gal a "black and white"  version with the 1-1/4" Basic Black Wide Striped Grosgrain Ribbon to match our matching Thirty One bags, and a pink, black and white version with Melon Mambo striped Stampin' Up! ribbon, in case they want to have a tag on another bag or in case they like the pink better once we get there.

I also made myself a differnt version to match another bag I ordered:

31 bag flowers patty

and then I customized one for my friend Mindy who knits:

31 tag mindy knit

I hope my gals enjoy their bags and tags.. these will  be great for our swaps and Make & Take supplies…  can't wait to spend some time with my wonderful gals in San Antonio later this month!

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