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It is that time again… spring is here… time to fertilize and water my garden again… everything is budding and drinking up the California Sunshine!!!
Just thought I'd share a few photos from my time in my garden yesterday… does everybody garden with a camera? Or is it just me?
This is one of my little garden buddies… he was saying "Hey Lady!!! Enough with the photos.. would you toss out some peanuts please!?" 🙂
Enjoy your day! Tune in for a FABULOUS video tutorial tomorrow!!
You are going to LOVE it!
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Patty, I always look forward to your garden photos. Always so pretty. Love the little blue bird.
Love your pictures Patti, I always enjoy it when you post pictures of your flowers coming up (a sign that we in Michigan are getting closer to Spring). The bird looks like a Mountain Blue Bird? It is beautiful and I am going to save your picture to use when watercoloring my next bird — what do you call it there?
Sorry, should be “Patty” with “y”–I have a tendency to spell all names like mine — LOL.
Great Pictures, Patty. You sure have the eye for it!
Ohh so good to see some green things! Can’t wait for Spring to arrive here. We have had a really mild winter here in Michigan. Hopefully we will have an early Spring. Gorgeous bluebird.
Your photos are GORGEOUS!!! Love your little garden buddy!
Hi Patty, beautiful photos. And, no, you are not the only one who gardens with a camera. I have so many photos of our roses, vegetable garden and fruit trees. Love the pic of the bluejay! Thanks for sharing.
Since we woke up to 4 or so inches of snow this morning, looking at your garden gives me hope that spring will be right around the corner. You are such a talented lady.