Dresden Designs Big Shot Die from Stampin’ Up!

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I know.. at first glance you may be thinking… what do I do with this new Dresden Designs Die from Stampin' Up!? (haven't seen it yet? check out page 12 of the Occasions mini catalog)  Well, it's meant to die cut fabric (and you know, when it's Stampin' Up! fabric you have a dynomite duo!)… it cuts out 2 different sized "petals".  The Dresden Plate quilt pattern was one of the most popular quilts made in the 1920's and 1930's.  It was most often used with the floral prints of the period, so sometimes it goes by the name of Grandmother's Sunburst, Dahlia, or Sunflower.

Check out these WONDERFUL projects using the Stampin' Up! Dresden Designs die .. these were on display at the Stampin' Up! Leadership conference in San Antonio last month.

Fabric display 4



Fabric display 4


Fabric display 4

And this is a lovely example of the "Dresden Plate" design made with this die… this was on display at our February Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting, and was made by Lynne Marini.


Dresden placemat


So, grab this great DYNAMIC DUO of Twitterpated Fabric and the Dresden Designs die before they are gone from the Occasions mini catalog!

Order your Fabric HERE                         order your Dresden Designs die here


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