Thank you Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting helpers!

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We enjoyed a wonderful day on Saturday here in the San Francisco Bay Area at our quarterly Luv 2 Stamp Group Stampin' Up! meeting!  We were inspired, educated and entertained… we ate, stamped, swapped and made new friends… we laughed, cheered and celebrated… and basically had a wonderful day together!

Thank you meeting helpers
I truly could not do it without my team of volunteers each time… these gals helped with set up, registration table, card contest, clean up, A/V equip, notes and photos.  Thank you!

Meeting helper thank you giftsI love to treat the volunteers to some type of little gift at each meeting. This time they each received a sampler of the Summer Smooches fabric as well as a darling business card holder made from the Summer Smooches fabric.

My multi-talented downline and friend, Wendy Cranford, made the business card holders for me!

Summer smooches business card holders
aren't they too cute?

I packaged them with a sampling of the Summer Smooches fabric and decorated the packaging.

Summer smooches thank you gifts

From my heart thank you gift
I made the Thank You tags using the From my Heart stamp set (pg 139) stamped in Real Red on whisper white cardstock, then die cut with the Floral Frames Framelits (pg 191) and the Big Shot. The polkadot paper flowers are die cut with the same Floral Frames Framelits using the Polka Dot Parade Designer paper found on pg 164. 

Stay tuned all week for more photos from our meeting.

May 2012 quick links

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4 thoughts on “Thank you Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting helpers!”

  1. You always do the nicest things for your ‘helpers’…and I know that I really appreciate what I receive when I volunteer. Am sure the ladies loved these unique gifts!


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