not ONE, but TWO specials for YOU!
FREE IN COLOR RIBBON from Stampin' Up!
FREE INK PAD offer from Patty Bennett
Back by popular demand, I am repeating my previous offer for September orders. Many of you asked for it again, so, with your September orders you can earn free ribbon and free ink pads! Just a small way to say Thank You to my wonderful loyal customers!
One free roll of In Color 3/8" Stitched Satin ribbon (pg 152) from Stampin' Up! with each $40 in merchandise ordered
One free ink pad (pgs 152-156) from me for each $60 in merchandise ordered!
Order your free ribbon roll(s) with your online order
and email me with your choice of ink pad(s).
Remember.. all orders of $150 or more receive an additional (min.) $25 free product (hostess rewards!)
No limit! whohoooo!
Shop online
for all your Stampin' and Crafting needs!
I admit it! I am a total junky for a special, no matter the size, I love it! Will be ordering soon….Thanks Patty.