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It's time for an UPDATE for the dozens of you who have been inquiring about the
2013 MDS Seasonal Printer Tray inserts
I had planned to offer….
it's kind of a long story.. but here it is…
A couple of months ago, after I sent out about 150 Printer Tray Kits with Fall and Christmas inserts created with My Digital Studio, the Stampin' Up! Compliance Dept. contacted me and told me that this type of kit offering was against policy. I was shocked.
Stampin' Up! had recently lifted the restriction on selling 150 printed MDS projects per year so I was excited to offer my Fall/Christmas MDS Printer Tray Inserts under this new policy! However, they told me that it is against policy to include ANY printed MDS images in ANY kit or class offering.
This also affected my MDS Monthly Club Projects, which is why beginning with the December MDS Club, I could not include hybrid embellishments for the MDS printed projects and could only include the finished projects with the monthly club offering.
I was informed that only COMPLETED MDS projects may be sold.. anything that needs assembly or includes hybrid embellishments is considered a kit and is against policy. They informed me that my MDS classes with MDS Hybrid Projects are also against policy and that I could only do them if it was a free event. Ugh.
This was all news to me, and trust me I've begged and pleaded with Stampin' Up! to allow MDS images to be included with these type of offerings so that I could continue to offer all of the Printer Tray inserts I had planned for 2013 as well as hybrid embellishment kits with my MDS Club Projects and MDS projects in MDS Classes.
From what I understand, these policies are being reviewed and discussed, but in the mean time, per Compliance, all MDS hybrid classes and kits, as well as the printed MDS inserts for the Printer Trays, are against compliance.
If Stampin' Up! changes their mind and allows us to include these printed MDS inserts for the printer trays (or in a hybrid class or kit), I will let you know, because I know from the number of emails I am getting from you, SO MANY of you were counting on these new seasonal inserts in 2013 for your trays. I was so excited to offer you these Printer Tray inserts, and this was a large part of my business plan for 2013, so I am working on other ideas to help fill in my lost income from these offerings.
If they change the policy and allow this type of offering, you can look forward to the following MDS Printer Tray inserts from me in the coming year:
New Years
Mother's Day
Father's Day
4th of July
Inspirational quotes
Back to School
Religious Christmas
If you've hung with me this far, thanks for reading. I'm sure you can sense my disappointment and frustration over this, and I'm so very sorry that I am being restricted from offering you these seasonal inserts that you were looking forward to over the next year.
If you have any encouraging comments or helpful ideas to share, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post .. I would love to hear from you. I will pass along any helpful comments to Stampin' Up! or you are also welcome to contact them on your own.
OK, now on to more exciting news…. the
WINNER of Set #1:
Winner of Set #2:
Winner of Set #3:
Winner of Set #4:
Winner of Set #5:
Winner of Set #6:
please email me at to give me your mailing address so I can send these to you! Thank you for all your kind comments!
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If you are using Stampin Up products one would assume that you are doing the correct process. 150 trays shows me that you are a valued member of the organization. We (your customers) absolutely love the results of your efforts. I looked at mine just the other day and wondered when the new ones would be available. Keep up your good works Patty! We love you!
What a genteel and classy post! Of course, it’s not a surprise to any of us that you would handle this so professionally, but it’s so nice to see in the face of such a big disappointment. Thank you always! Bren
I, too, had my tray out yesterday wondering when the next allotment would be available. Your statements were written with class. SU should be proud of you for your efforts & the amount of profit you add to their company. I hope they allow you to made additions to our tray. No matter what, we enjoy your creations & will continue to back you.
Hi there: I’m not one of your customers but enjoy visiting your blog often. So sorry you are having this troubles but I’m sure all your customers will understand. Hang in there, maybe after SU reviews this policies, they will change them.
I am so sorry that this wonderful plan did not work out, but always remember, all this work together through God. I know that He has something even better planned for you for this year. He is in charge. You are His hands and feet.
I’m a fellow demonstrator so I know how upset you must be. I wish SU would allow us to really do business “our way”. The more we sell, the more we make for the company. I don’t understand these rules. One after another. This is why so many of us cannot continue to be demonstrators. As long as we give our “credits” as due, and attach the SU copyright informtion, you would think they would love the publicity and the amount of sales it would bring. I wish they could understand this.
It is what it is Patty. We have to abide by rules. Thanks for letting us know.
I think you should give away the inserts to all the loyal customers who bought the tray and charge $$ for shipping only. that would certainly not be breaking any rules!
Patty, I too am disappointed about the MDS tray inserts and I will be happy to contact SU! and let them know I think they should allow it. You are so creative with these. You inspire me all the time and I love your ideas.
Hang in there! I’m believing they will change their mind and I am praying the Lord gives you some new ideas to help with your business plan for 2013. You are an awesome demo and inspiration to me in my business.
Fellow demo,
I don’t have a printer tray and am not part of your kit. But I was wondering – can you offer the MDS pieces free with purchase?? I’m not sure how the system works — but if it is a file that you send and they print off or if you print them and mail them to them?
Good morning Patty. While I too was disappointed about the earlier decision by SU about your wonderful tray kits, I was wondering if the new update for cash and carry (just saw it today) will make a difference. I am so hoping it will. Not only do so many of us love these trays, but hopefully now you can continue with your 2013 business plan as you intended and not have to go “back to the drawing board” so to speak. We will be anxiously waiting to hear!