Patty’s Spring Printer Tray Insert Video Instructions

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Thank you to everyone who signed up to come take my Spring Printer Tray Insert Class or ordered a class kit in the mail! I have 3 spots left in my class on March 9th.. if you want to join us with your tray, let me know.

I thought it would be fun to give you instructions via a VIDEO this time, so I hope you find the video helpful in assembling your Spring inserts into your tray!

 Spring dress up st pats day printer tray

if you are viewing this in an email, you will need to visit my blog to view the video


 Your class and kit will include all 3 sets:

Professionally printed cardstock inserts created by me in MDS:

cardstock sheet with 7 inserts for Spring

cardstock sheet with 7 inserts for Dress Up

cardstock sheet with 7 inserts for St. Patrick's Day

hybrid kit to create 3-D embellishments

(designer paper pattern may vary from kit to kit)

video instructions online

You Will Need:

a cutter

adhesive (snail, glue dots and dimensionals recommended)

your printer's tray (or other frames of your choice)

Dress up printer tray inserts patty

Above: Dress Up Printer Tray Inserts

You will need to add the dress forms and dresses to your Dress Up inserts:

Dress 1 printer tray
Dress 2 printer tray

for info on dyeing your vanilla trim flowers, SEE THIS BLOG POST


Below: Spring Printer Tray Inserts

Spring printer tray inserts patty

Spring flower 2 printer tray

Spring flowers 1 printer tray

Below: St. Patrick's Day Printer Tray inserts
St pats printer tray inserts patty

Lucky coins printer tray 1
Lucky coins printer tray 2


St patricks day printer tray emb

I hope you enjoy displaying your tray with the 3 spring inserts!

I will be designing the Summer inserts and making them available in a few months, so please check back.

If you would like to learn more about using My Digital Studio for your own projects, be sure to download the FREE TRIAL of MDS2!  You will find hundreds of samples and tutorials on the MDS website, and you may find it helpful to join my monthly MDS Club for more samples and video instructions.

Shop online for Stampin' Up! Supplies 24/7

Your choice of one of 19 FREE PRODUCTS with each $50 you order!

Signature spring-001

View my Free Videos here!


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Tutorials & Kits available from Patty Bennett

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2 thoughts on “Patty’s Spring Printer Tray Insert Video Instructions”

  1. I have the same question. Where do I get the tray. I just the inserts. Would bring such colour to a room.


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