Cherry Blossoms on my neighborhood walk!

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Spring Break II - springtime

It's that time of year.. springtime is in full swing and the trees are blooming like crazy!

I have to really force myself to step away from my home office, but I did it and I took the opportunity to go take photos around my neighborhood last week.


I collaged some of my photos onto a 12×12 MDS (My Digital Studio) scrapbook page… and more of my photos are shown below…

Cherry blossoms 2013 patty b

Photos from my walk around the neighborhood, February 2013

Hercules, CA

photos by Patty Bennett

Cherry blossom 5 13

Cherry blossom 1 13

Cherry blossom 2 13

Cherry blossom 3 13

Cherry blossom 4 13

Cherry blossom 6 13

Cherry blossom 8 13

Cherry blossom 9 13

Cherry blossom 7 13

To answer the questions you are probably asking:

1.  We live in the San Francisco Bay area – no snow here, but we have plenty of blue sky and sunshine

2. I used my Nikon P510 digital point n shoot camera (which I LOVE!!)

3. I took 98 photos in about 20 minutes

4.  I used the FREE MDS template called Lemonade Stand for my MDS page layout. You can get the Lemonade Stand MDS disc FREE during Sale a Bration!

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12 thoughts on “Cherry Blossoms on my neighborhood walk!”

  1. Patty… these are lovely; I do believe whatever you touch, you’re a pro at delivering! Thank you for sharing; in my area, we still have a mess of sleet, dirty snow & slush…the regular March & spring time weather.

  2. Such beautiful pictures. Love the contrast of the blossoms against the
    beautiful blue sky. Those of us in the Northeast section of the country will just have to wait.

  3. Thanks for bringing a breath of spring into our lives. Just gorgeous pictures, Patty, and love your layout! In the Chicagoland suburbs, our ground is covered in snow and we are expecting another 6+ inches on Tuesday. I am so over with winter! 🙂

  4. Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous and I love the page you made. Had not thought of matting in WHITE. That looks great with the flowers. Thank you for sharing :)Our Aussie weather is wet, wet, wet as we are in our end of summer monsoonal trough, so it is lovely to see your blue skies and delicate flowers.

  5. Honestly Patty, you could and SHOULD submit some of your beautiful pictures to some of the local photo groups….betting you could sell many of your photos…fabulous, TFS!

  6. Hello!
    Beautiful photos! All we have in this part of WI is snow and more snow – and another winter storm watch today and tomorrow! Wishing you a happy Monday and a great week! I am sending my order soon.
    Barbara Diane

  7. Our Cherry Blossoms haven’t really started to show out yet in DC (which is good as we’re slated to get a blizzard in a couple of days!), so these are a nice “Spring is Coming!!” reminder 🙂 And once again, you’ve provided beautiful pics for my phone background 🙂

  8. Patti – You are so lucky to live where it is nice and warm and you see flowers at the beginning of March. We won’t see our apple tree blossoms until mid to late May. Here is Wisconsin, we are expecting 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow. In the past two weeks we have had snow almost ever other day. I thought Jimmy the Ground Hog (here in Sun Prairie, WI) predicted an early spring! I think he lied.


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