Eric’s Birthday Cards

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 Last week was Eric's 55th birthday… one thing he asked me for was "the most birthday cards ever".. so I put out a note to my stamping friends and asked for birthday cards.. he received over 40 cards!!

Eric birthday cards

THANK YOU to my friends who sent him a card!

Eric birthday cards

We just had to share our favorite card.. thank you to Penny Peterson for this

amazing and creative card!!

Eric birthday card tools

We also thought you might like to see some of the others – wish I had enough room to blog all 40+ cards!

Eric birthday cards 3

Below: the top 2 are from me

Eric birthday cards 2

Eric birthday cards 4

Eric birthday cards 5

Thank you again for making Eric's birthday so special!


Signature spring-001

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7 thoughts on “Eric’s Birthday Cards”

  1. How much fun!!! I’ll bet he loved opening each of those gems. What a great bunch of friends they were to take the time to celebrate the new senior citizen…ha!! Just kidding, Eric.

  2. I must have missed that post. But that is so funny to me that he’d ask for lots of cards considering he sees them all over, all of the time.
    Thanks for sharing some of your favs. Lots of great cards.
    Bleated birthday wishes, Eric!

  3. WOW what a present for your husband! I think you should post all of the cards. Especially the Wetlands one. They are all terrific! Thanks for sharing your husband’s present.


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