I hope you don't mind a little break from stamping projects today.. I wanted to share a fun part of our lives with you .. For about 15 years we have been feeding the birds and squirrels in our backyard. We thoroughly enjoy buying seeds and peanuts for them and watching them as they visit us all day long.
They have us trained, mind you… they come to the back sliding glass door and look in … "hey you.. toss out the peanuts"…. 🙂
They have come really close to walking right in the back door, but we have not let them.. it scares me to think of them going and hiding under the couch or something!
Collectively, Jason and I have taken over 500 photos of our backyard friends… I've made calendars and cards using the photos, and I always thought it would be fun to put funny captions to the photos.. so if you have suggestions for funny captions, leave me comments below my blog post.. who knows.. I might just end up using your comment on an upcoming funny squirrel project 🙂
Enjoy this fun photo blog post today featuring Jason's Squirrel photos… and a couple of mine, too.
When it gets hot, they love to do their spread eagle thing… too funny…
um ya… busted.. they sit in the bird feeders… a lot!
I think this is an award winning photo… what a silly squirrel!!!
yep, Jason feeds them by hand, too…
their favorite treat.. peanuts in the shell…
and busted again… sneaking seeds from one of the birdfeeders!
Do you have backyard friends? They sure do bring hours of pleasure and lots of smiles for all 3 of us. Thank You Lord for creating such adorable creatures to entertain us!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
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Thank you for sharing these amazing photos. I think some of them should be published. I have seen many squirrel antics in my time, but these truly capture ALL of them. Jason,keep up that wonderful hobby!
Thank you so much for sharing your squirrel photos. I enjoy feeding birds and squirrels, also. I have about 15 feeders. My neighbor does NOT like the squirrels and she wanted me to quit feeding birds. She went so far as to threaten me and said she could shoot them, trap them, OR MORE. I’m pretty sure that she came over and poisoned my feeders. I did make a police and DNR report. I now have 2 motion cameras. The birds have come back, but not squirrels. We live in a wooded area. The chipmunks have just started to come back. We have not found any “bodies” so I’m not sure what’s going on. Again, I really enjoyed your photos. I am so glad that someone else enjoys the little critters!
Love these photos! Excellent photography! Made me smile! :). Thanks so much for sharing!
What a nice way to start the day! We have a squirrel that has found it’s way to the top feeder even though there is a baffle to stop them. Keep up the good work Jason!
We, too, feed the squirrels and birds but only during the winter. We sort of miss them in the summer but figure they need to do what God intended – find their own food. Your photos are terrific. They also come and look in the sliding door window if the food is gone or hadn’t been put out yet. And watching their antics is such fun. Here they enjoy peanuts in the shell and sunflower seeds. Thanks for sharing the photos Patty.
Absolutely love the squirrels and you are correct the photos are perfect. thank you for sharing your critter pictures and keep them coming.
Missouri squirrels will NOT eat peanuts. My guess is because they would much rather help themselves to the pecans and walnuts that grew in our yard. 1st time putting out peanuts after moving to Missouri from Washington I found this out. Guess it’d be the same as humans: cracker or cookie.
Love you ideas but this is so cute. I use to watch the squirrels when I lived in the mountains. The squirrels do so many fun things. They are God’s creatures.
how lovely!!!
Oh My Goodness….these are awesome pictures. I love the one that you think is an award winning pic and I totally agree with you. Jason is an excellent photographer. Thank you so much for sharing the pic’s with us today. You don’t know how much I needed to smile. Awesome, awesome and more awesome job!
Beautiful pictures, you can’t keep those pesky things out of the feeders. They are the thorn in my side, but they too, must eat.
Thanks Patty for the advise, I was able to find the problem to the blog situation. Prayers for your mother-in-law.
I just love those photos, some of them are just hilarious. Great work Jason! What kind of camera do you own? I’m looking to get a better one, as my son dropped it in the pool and now it decides when and how it will take pictures!! 🙂 THanks for sharing!
Ok these are AMAZING! J should enter the one with the beautiful red leaves and the squirrel coming down with hands stretched out, he needs to send that into a magazine or something. It’s freaking fantastic!
AND the caption should be “I will give you a hug for one more nut”
As much as I love your papercrafting posts, I equally love the artwork and photos you share from both you and your family. Life is about more than papercrafting although not much more lol
Flattened squirrel – “Starving here! C’mon, throw me a peanut!”
The squirrels on campus used to rummage in the trash containers for food people threw away. Then they took it one step further – popping up out of the trash as people walked by and accosting them for the food before it could be tossed!” Great for a heart attack the first time it happens…
LOVE your amazing squirrel pictures. They all made me laugh (out loud). We use to feed the squirrels and the crows at our home in Wisconsin. Some of the funny captions would be; 1)You want me to come down and do something cute and adorable for that nut? 2)SERIOUSLY lady….I can’t eat another nut. 3)I’m weak and need you to bring the nuts to me. 4) Anyone looking? 5)What you talking about! 6)I’m SO BUSTED! 7)Coming IN! 8)These don’t have salt on them! 9)I LOVE a good nut! 10)Is the water COLD? 11)Think it’s time to invest in some type of squirrel backpack. 12)I think I’ve found HEAVEN!
Thanks to you and Jason for sharing these amazing photos. LOVED ALL OF THEM!
Such beautiful, crisp pictures! The squirrels here in Eastern Washington seem to be very well fed but don’t have the glorious full tails yours do. Ours are rather rat more rat-like and not so cute. haha And since I’ve witnessed them snitching eggs out of my bird houses they aren’t my favourite critters. But Jason’s pictures did bring to mind a few captions for me: #4 “Is that the UPS truck I hear??” #7 “No! Those are the RIBBON scissors. Not for paper!” #12 Where’s this Pistachio Pudding Patty keeps talking about? I don’t see any in here.
Great pics and yes we have backyard guests. Deer! I thought they were cute at first but dunce they have stripped almost every leaf snd eaten every rosé fruit and vegetable in my backyard I don’t think
They are so cute anymore
OMG! I love these pictures – and the suggested captions are just great! We enjoy feeding the hummingbirds! They have actually drank out of my daughter’s hand! Jason takes excellent pictures!
Such cute, adorable pictures!! Congrats on Jason’s expertise in photography!!
We have Squirrel’s at are house. We raise are 21/2yr. Grandson. Yes, he keeps me VERY busy. I am going to share these pictures with him after Sunday School tomorrow. Thank you Jason & Patty.
Great pictures…the silly squirrel on I think shoild ead “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Love the comment before mine about how many fingers. I thought of “don’t take my picture, don’t take my picture!” We have squirrels too and love watching their antics when playing and chasing each other. Thanks for all your wildlife and flower pictures.
We feed year-round. We used to feed safflower, but now we feed black oil. I feel we need to feed them year-round since their habitat is shrinking by the day. And we feed the squirrels because we have black and white squirrles in addition to the red squirrels.
Jason, I see you have inherited your Mom’s awesome photography skills. I love the “award winning” photo and I would caption it: “America’s First Ninja Warrior”!
Really Love this post Patty! So cute 🙂 and great photos!
These photos are so cute. TFS.
Have you guys had your little friends bury their seeds in the your yard and then the seed grows!! We have plants pop up all of the time!! I imagine them in farmer bibs out planting crops, then waiting for the corn to ripen. I’m a weirdo. I am aware of my problem and that’s half way to a cure or so I’ve heard. Tee hee!!
Wow! Great photos! I agree, award winning!
Thanks for sharing your squirrel photos! They are just too precious! I love the one that is flat out on his belly. If it were here he’d be saying: “It’s just to damn hot in Texas”! Thanks again!
What great pictures! When we was in Texas I feed the squirrels all the time. And they came up to iur trailer door if the food was gone. And what great pictures, thank you for sharing then.
Love your squirrels. I am a fan of squirrels. Grew up in Northern MN with the big gray squirrels, the smaller red squirrel and of course the little chipmunks. They were all so much fun to watch. We never fed them. They had plenty of pinecones which they would gather to store for the winter. They would gather them prior to them opening and the seed falling out. I loved the one with the beautiful fall leaves surrounding it and I could almost hear it saying “Bet you can’t see me now!”. They really blend in well.
Thanks for sharing, hope you will share more at some later time. Jason is a fantastic photographer.
What great pictures! You should enter them in a photo contest. Thanks for sharing!
I adore squirrels Patty. I have some here in our yard too but they haven’t gotten as friendly as this guy is. I did see a baby one in my flower bed this summer. It was so sweet I almost swooned!
Jason’s photos are GREAT! Thank you so much for sharing with us. At our little farm in NE, we had over 20 bird feeders; but here in KS we only have about 10 or so…I just LOVE the birds, and yes, we too feed the squirrels. And I also bought cracked corn for the wild turkeys! They would come every day and eat under the bird feeders, and then move to the next one. I loved watching them! We had deer too, and we put out mineral blocks for them. I love all critters, and I’m glad you all enjoy them as much as I do! They are wonderful!!!
TFS the squirrel photos, they are beautiful. Sometimes it’s just fun to look at something that isn’t made of paper! LOL Seriously I enjoy your talent.
Oh my gosh, these are way too cute! thank you so much for sharing these photos with us, enjoyed every one of them.
These are adorable — and what fantastic photography!
Caption for the first picture:
“Who ME? No way! I’m innocent until proven guilty!”
Thank you for sharing those photos. Beautiful, funny and cute!
Adorable photos, Patty! How about “my life is flat when you’re not around” for the “flat” squirrel pics?
We don’t have squirrels or chipmunks here, but we do have a lot of birds in our backyard. We don’t have a bird feeder, but I do toss out bread crusts from the kitchen window. The birds have seen me do this enough to keep an eye on the place, so as soon as they see me open the window, they get ready to swoop! it’s often gone within a couple of minutes of me throwing it out there. Fortunately, my cat is too lazy to catch any of them – she just goes mad watching them through the back door!
Loved the pictures. We live in Nevada and have loads and loads of quail and rabbits which I feed daily. We have seen at least three families of quail in all sizes/ages over the summer – and yes – loads of pictures, because I love them.
They are such fun to watch.