Stampin Up Founder’s Circle Trip 2013 – Kanab Park and Tuachan

September Mystery Hostess CodePJV2U2N4

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Before my post today, I'd like to ANNOUNCE THE WINNER OF THE FOUNDER'S CIRCLE WEEK Give Away!

Festive-flurry-bundle-giveawayWINNER of the Festive Flurry stamp set / framelits:

Jennifer Ferrell from TN!

I'll be mailing your goodie out to you tomorrow!


 Today I wanted to share photos from our Founder's Circle trip to Kanab, where we not only enjoyed a trip to the Stampin' Up! manufacturing facilty, but we also stopped at the  park that was donated/built by Shelli and Sterling Gardner of Stampin' Up!


Demonstrators at the Jacob Hamblin park, Kanab, Utah



Pam is doing a great photo bomb job on Jan and Christina's photo!!


Red Rubber from Stampin' Up! makes a great cushion in the park playground!


  Below: Jan Wakeland posing in the red rubber


Below: My upline Sandy Hancock (seated) with her 3 downline who achieved the Founder's Circle Trip, Lee Conrey, myself and Sue Kempter-Miller


Below: 2013 Stampin' Up! Founder's Circle Members


(no, we don't lounge in our PJ's for 5 days… we wear them for the swap night gathering & photo)



Sara Douglass and Patty Bennett

Several of you have asked me what the criteria is for being a part of the Founder's Circle. I thought I'd briefly explain.  All 40,000 (+/-) US demonstrators are ranked in 6 different categories, like our personal yearly sales, our recruiting efforts and the promotions in the 1st level of our downline.  Each person is given points in those categories and the top 100 people with the most points each year are the Founder's Circle members for the US.  Top demonstrators from Canada are also included in this group. We receive a trip to Southern Utah each year and get to spend time with Stampin' Up! employees and corporate team members as well as of course network with each other.  This year, since Shelli had her accident, she was unable to attend, but her LOVELY daughter Sara stepped in and did a marvelous job of making us feel loved and welcome! 🙂

That evening after the day in Kanab, we went to a musical at the GORGEOUS outdoor Tuachan Amphitheater in St. George, UT.  We saw Mary Poppins.. what a wonderful production!!  They don't allow photos during the performance, but here are a couple pix before the event:




Patty and Kay ready to watch the performance

Founders-circle-tuachan-scarf-christinaChristina modeling the infinity scarf we were given as a gift the night before (our Pillow Gift), with Robin.


I have one more set of Founder's Circle Adventures to share…  check back tomorrow!

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2 thoughts on “Stampin Up Founder’s Circle Trip 2013 – Kanab Park and Tuachan”

  1. Oh Patty I’m so excited!!! Thank You!!! I can hardly wait to make something fabulous to share with you!
    I think it’s so totally awesome Stampin’ Up! is repurposing the extra rubber for playgrounds! It must me super cushy and safer for kids when they fall down.
    How spectacular to see Mary Poppins in such an amazing outdoor theatre! Breathtaking views!
    You’ve totally made my day Patti! Thank you do much!
    Kindest regards,


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