Priscilla Faith Dohse Bennett
December 14, 1932 – October 24, 2013
I am taking time away this weekend to be with my husband's family as we gather to remember his dear mother, Priscilla who went to live in Heaven with Jesus last week.
I know that all of the angels are rejoicing to have her there, but as everyone knows, it's always difficult to see a loved one leave this earth.
We rejoice in knowing that mom is no longer suffering from all of the illnesses that would not allow her to walk and to talk with us, but, she will still be missed by everyone she touched here on earth.
I take comfort in knowing she is with my mom in heaven and they are both smiling down on all their kids and grandkids and great grandkids! What sweet comfort that picture brings!
Below: I photographed this out of one of the scrapbooks I made years ago… this is how I will most remember Eric's mom… COOKING! As a mother of 5, you know she cooked a LOT of meals in her years!
Below is a photo from Chrsitmas 2011 with her 5 grown kids and husband Ron
Below: A great photo of my in laws from 2003
Priscilla loved Hippos… here she is in 2004 opening a hippo on her birthday
Mom, you will be loved and remembered in our hearts forever!
As I was reading through one of my daily devotional books, I found this verse and I said, THIS describes Priscilla…
Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart!
Psalm 119:2
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So very sorry for your families loss, Patty. Thanks for sharing some special memories with us.
Sympathy and prayers, difficult to lose a loved one but knowing they are with the Lord gives a peace and comfort that helps to fill the void. May god grant you all comfort.
What a beautiful tribute to a truly Christian, loving and giving woman. You were all blessed to have her in your lives. I know she will be sadly missed by those left behind. Take comfort in knowing that you will all be reuinted in God’s kingdom.
Patty, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know your and Eric’s family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss Patty – please pass on to your husband my sympathy. You have all of these wonderful memories of both your mothers – that is precious. Sending good wishes.
Barbara Diane
I’m sorry for your loss. I am struggling myself as it will be a year Nov 9 since my Mom went to Heaven. It is great that you captured such great pic’s and memories. BIG Blessings to you and yours!
So sorry for the family’s loss. Such a pretty woman with a very bright warm smile.
I had a wonderful MIL; she was such a blessing to our life together. Wishing you God’s peace and comfort in the love of family and friends.
Such a wonderful tribute to your mother-in-law, Patty. It brought me to tears, but praise God – there are no tears or pain where she is now. We rejoice in Jesus’ ressurection which saves us all!
God’s most wonderful blessings for you and Eric and the Bennett
Family. Thank you for the pictures.
Love, Shirley
I’m very sorry about this loss for your family. What a beautiful tribute you have here. Thanks for taking time out to share with us so we can see Priscilla in happy times and send healing thoughts and prayers your way.
So sorry for your family’s loss, will keep you in my prayers.
sorry for your family’s loss; as you know, you have a thousand plus friends keeping you, your husband & his family in our thoughts & prayers; it’s nice remembering all the good things about a loved one….thank you for sharing
So sorry to hear of the loss of your mother-in-law, but what a good testimony you write of her. May the Lord give you all peace, knowing she is in heaven.
Patty, There is great comfort knowing that both of your mothers knew Jesus and are walking and talking with Him, fully whole in body, mind and spirit.
The best is yet to come when we come face to face with our Maker and are reunited with our loved one who’ve gone on before.
May the presence and peace of our Heavenly Father bring comfort to your hearts; today and in the days ahead.
Praying for your family Patty. So sorry about your loss but what a blessing to have the peace that she is in Heaven and you will see her again. I can’t wait to see my parents again.
Let your husband know I am praying too!
Blessings. Joy Hannabass
Patty, I’m very sorry for your family’s loss. The wonderful words you write about your mother in law shows the deep love she inspired in all of her family. The sweet and beautiful memories of her will sustain you and give your family the strength to carry on. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Maria A. Rodriguez, from Crown Point, IN.
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family Patty. Praying you’ll enjoy this reunion as you reminisce over this special loved one. Thankfully she has a new body in Heaven without pain and suffering. God Bless you and your family!
RIP Priscilla, What a beautiful tribute for everyone to keep enjoying for years. Mt thoughts and prayers are with all of you Patty. God Bless, Bev
My sincere sympathies, Patty, on the loss of your mother-in-law. Your blog post was such a sweet, touching tribute to her. I could feel the love that you have for her.
Barbara C in SC
Aren’t our hearts miraculous things? They keep us alive in more than a mechanical way. They let us store so much love and so many memories,it’s amazing. Treasures we can’t lose. What a sadness and a joy her passing must be. We are here for only a short while and her loss has brought you grief and sadness, but there is comfort and joy in knowing where she will be for eternity, with our Lord and Savior. Not really “gone,” just in a glorious new home. Well done faithful servant.
so very sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers and good thoughts for you all.
I’m so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to your mother in law. Prayers to alll the family.
Patty, I am so very sorry for your loss. My father died suddenly on July 29 and I’m still very devastated over it since he was all I had. I know how you feel and know that God is with you during this time. She is with the Lord now rejoicing and is healed. Hugs, Cindy
I am so sorry for your family’s loss. May the memories of the happy times you had together give you comfort.
Carol Jean
Hi Patty,
I always like to come to your site for inspiration. Today I wish you and your Hubby well, and that May God Bless you and the family. It’s hard to lose a loved one. I will say an extra prayer for all of you. I feel she is in a better place now. Blessings to you.
Laura Z
What a lovely tribute to your Mother-in-Law. Blessings to your family, we have you all in our prayers. The biggest blessing is that she is with Jesus and no longer suffering.
Ooh Patty, what nice pictures , God bless you and your family, prayers also ,
Hugs frenchie
What a beautiful tribute to your Mother-in-law! May you and your family take comfort in knowing that she is in heaven, and the wonderful memories of her on this earth.
Such a beautiful tribute, Patty!
Your mother-in-law looks like someone I’d love to know. Just a sweet friendly mom who loved her family and the Lord. I’m sorry for your loss, but it’s certainly Heaven’s gain when we know our loved ones are there. Blessings to you and your family.
Your Family are in my prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I have lost 3 parents in the past 3 years and we know how difficult it is to lose a parent. And like you, we have found peace and comfort in knowing that our parents knew Jesus as their personal Savior and therefore are whole and happy at the Lord’s side in Heaven. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God bless you.
I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are filled with happiness while you all remember days when she was healthy and happy.
Sending prayers your way;
~Shawnie B.