Like Clockwork, the Wisteria bloomed for Jason’s birthday!


Happy Birthday Jason!

It's like clockwork.. it's the one thing that assures me that all is right with my garden every year… the Wisteria blooms for Jason's birthday!


Above: 2015     Below: 1994 Just for a little nostalgia!


 (so just a side note about this photo above taken at Lake Tahoe around Jason's 3rd birthday in 1994 … for those of us in the California coastal areas (we live in the San Francisco Bay Area), we have to travel a few hours to go see snow, which generally means we PAY to stay in a hotel to go see snow… pretty crazy when my East Coast friends are about ready to ship me buckets of their snow any day now!!)

 Back to the Wisteria…  like I was saying… the Wisteria in my garden ALWAYS blooms right before Jason's birthday… I've taken his photo in front of it every year that we've lived here.  So fun to see how much he's grown up!!


Above and Below: Wisteria in Patty's Garden, March 2015


As you probably know, if you've been visiting my blog for more than a few months, I love to spend some time in my garden every week .. this year will probably be a huge bumper crop of roses again… last week I already counted over 40 rose buds.. . I am so excited to pick my first bouquet of the season in a couple weeks!!  whooohoo!  My hubby knows that he doesn't need to spend money at a florist because most of the year I have all the flowers I can handle. 

Do you love to spend time in your garden? What is your favorite flower (or flowers) to grow? leave me a comment and let me know!  My favorites to grow are roses and Alstromeria… I also find geraniums really easy to grow.. I just bought a few more to add to my garden.. I need to get out and plant them!

Here is a photo of the Alstromeria in my garden.. I love these!


 I feel so blessed that God gave us Jason and entrusted us to be his mom and dad… he is the best kid anyone could ask for.. I'm so proud of him!!  I also feel very blessed that God sprinkles the beautiful flowers He does in my garden.. they bring me such joy!!  I guess I'm just blessed all the way around.. wonderful hubby, great kid, amazing family and friends, stamping buddies, a craft I love, and beautiful flowers to look at in my garden.  🙂


Happy Birthday Jason!



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10 thoughts on “Like Clockwork, the Wisteria bloomed for Jason’s birthday!”

  1. Happy Birthday to Jason! Your wisteria is just gorgeous. It’s too cold here in Ohio for any flowers yet. Although I do have one lone crocus that popped up in my flower bed 🙂 I can’t wait for the first flowers of spring – my grape hyacinth, tulips, and daffodils.

  2. Your entry made me feel like it was my birthday, everything is so new and fresh! How beautiful everything is, just gorgeous and full of life! Happy Birthday to your sweet, beautiful boy! It is also my husband’s birthday today (and yes, you may also have our east-coast snow; ha ha!). You are richly blessed and I love the sharing! Thanks Patty! 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday to Jason! Oh Patty – I wish I had your green thumb!! And your beautiful weather. We just got another 3 inches of snow here in the midwest to go with the 8 inches we got on Sunday night. I can’t wait for the hydrangeas and potentillas to bloom in my yard. Thank you for sharing the beauty in your yard.

  4. Happy Birthday Jason…. They grow up to fast. My children’s ages are 32,38 and 40…. Guess that kinda tells my age,lol… I love to grow Geraniums,, they were my dad’s favorite flower so I plant lots of them so he can look down at his flower bed ( I bought my mom’s house). Our snow is gone FINALLY but still very cold in Pa. I LOVE seeing all your beautiful flowers.I can’t wait to get out and clean up my flower bed( but it has to wait till it warms up a bit).I love Wisteria also… Have a wonderful day Patty and tell Jason I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

  5. Hi Patty, Oh, my gosh, look at that beautiful wisteria. I admire your lovely growing weather and the lovely flowers you can grow. Where I am we get about three months of growing weather, if we are lucky. I do love to garden—one of my very favorite things to do. I have three very large vegetable gardens, and flower beds as well. I love to grow tulips. They give me the hope that good growing weather is on its way soon. I love lilies and petunias. There is not a flower that I don’t love. Isn’t it wonderful that we are given children to be entrusted to our care, and as you so graciously said “God sprinkles flowers for us to take care of and admire.” Tell Jason to have a wonderful birthday. He is one lucky boy to have you as his mom. You are the best.
    Love, Karren

  6. Hi Patty, a happy birthday to Jason too. Love your flowers, and since I live in a pretty dry climate I love columbine and purple cone flowers. I do have four beautiful fragrant cloud roses which I use to make potpourri. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Hi Patty, sending Be-lated Happy Birthday wishes to Jason! My grandson also shares his special day, he turned 11 yesterday and it is also the day my husband and I met 20 years ago! It’s a great day to Celebrate! We don’t have any lovely Wisteria in our time zone.. and it’s pretty gloomy here, but there’s no ‘fresh’ snow on the ground at the moment so I am not complaining!

  8. I guess a lot of us have seen Jason grow up through your blog. It would be fun to see a layout of those pics of him in front of the wisteria. Happy birthday, Jason. And thanks for sharing from your garden, Patty.


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