Help Fairy Godmother – come wave your wand!


Oh my.. help! I need a fairy Godmother to come wave her magic wand and help me get my craft room back in order!!!!  I've been piling up everything since I got back from Convention and I need to get in there and make customer thank you cards and Luv 2 Stamp group top seller recognition cards.. AND I need to put away my new goodies from Convention!


There are true downfalls to having such a small crafting space… one of them is that there just isn't room for it all sometimes.. so.. I need to step away from the computer for a day and get this room under control.

I'll be back with a fun project for you soon, and in the mean time, if you want to see what my craft room is SUPPOSED to look like,

take my craft room tour here! or watch the video below.



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13 thoughts on “Help Fairy Godmother – come wave your wand!”

  1. Oh, my goodness. My stamping space is twice the size of yours and it looks twice as bad–well, maybe four times as bad. I have stepped back a bit, too, to get things under control and reorganize my space so I can keep it neater and find things faster. I have been finding ways to procrastinate–but my new holiday stuff will be here Monday. Yikes! It is time to move.

  2. I can totally relate! There are times when my husband needs to get something out of my studio and I need to warn him to be careful where he steps! He kiddingly refers to it as my ‘black hole’ – which sometimes explodes and spews out into the family room 🙂
    So, if you’re reading this, now is the time to get back to organizing (you never know what you might find!).

  3. LOL Patty, You think yours is bad, you should see mine. I have more stuff than I have room.. I really need to get moms bedroom cleaned out and get MY stuff in there. I will have much more room.It’s just I hate to tackle it because it’s going to take sooo long,lol……. Ok gotta get it done. Glad to see mine isn’t the only messy room,lol…..Looks like you all need to get things…. Have a great day ladies and clean up,lol

  4. You can still see the floor in there Patty, it’s not that bad! LOL I’m not showing you my craft room… I think it’s smaller than yours, so everything spills out into another room! But I started with a cupboard, so I can’t complain. I just collected too much stuff!

  5. That’s exactly what mine looks like!! I haven’t cleaned up from the swap-making frenzy, and I added to it with the loot I brought home!

  6. Hi Patty,
    Perhaps the most talented has the biggest messes to clean up because they create more beautiful projects!!! As always thank you for sharing. I am not alone in messes, I see—such a good feeling to have company. You will have that cleaned up in no time. Happy reorganizing/cleaning.
    Best wishes,

  7. I’ve received several of your lovely customer cards and I’ve seen pictures of the hundreds of cards you have made for Convention and all I can say is: you are human after all! Thanks for sharing the photo as ‘misery loves company’!

  8. I am so happy to see this photo!! This is real life crafting….I do love and can dream about all those picture perfect rooms people post online. But seriously, how do you work or accomplish anything in a showroom? It’s meant to be lived in! So thanks for showing us you are like many of us who get buried now and then!!

  9. Thanks for sharing your special place. I am in the process of redoing my space and I enjoy seeing what others have done.
    Love your blog.

  10. I am glad to see that even you can have a messy room. I am working on redoing mine and it’s a mess and I can’t find anything. I know it will get better because I can’t wait to create with all the great items from the holiday catalog.

  11. Patty, I am so happy that you shared your space with us. Like you, I love seeing how other stampers organize their supplies. And, it’s refreshing to see someone who creates in a small space like most of us have, instead of those who seem to have unlimited funds to do a complete remodel. Thanks for sharing!!


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