Patty’s Updates from Founder’s Circle 2015 – part 2


I have been back for a week from the 2015 Stampin' UP! Founder's Circle Retreat, but my week was so busy and exciting celebrating my Million $$ milestone that I didn't get a chance to share more photos from the trip!  So… here you go.. part 2!


It's a big like Where's Waldo, right?  :)  I'm in the next to the back row, to the right of middle.  I hesitate to say this, but I look SHORT in the photo… (my husband will love that cuz he calls me short-stuff… I am NOT short.. I'm almost 5'-8") !! 🙂

Each year we take a big group photo on "PJ night", and this year we are wearing our fun matching T-Shirts that Tamra had made for us!! too fun!! 


I love making new friends… I tried to meet as many of the 1st time Founder's Circle achievers as I could this year, and really had a great time getting to know Dawn! 

So this is a funny story…  as you may know, each night we are treated with some kind of gift, left on our hotel room bed, we call them Pillow Gifts.  So one night, there was a cut little pouch on our bed and I was so excited. I opened it and thought they were watercolor brushes, thinking that we must be getting more watercoloring supplies in our next catalog!!  I snapped a photo.. and then I realized.. oh geesh.. they are make up brushes!!  I just laughed out loud in my hotel room!  The great part is, I love nice make up brushes, so it's a lovely and much appreciated gift!


 I've never been good at taking selfies because I didn't know how to hold my phone, but someone (who was it!?) helped me and showed me how to hold my phone.. so of course I had to practice taking some selfies!!



At the PJ night, which is an evening where we get comfy in our PJ's and have a business share time and then swap cards, Stampin' Up! gave us this amazing little booklet of tips that we had emailed to Stampin' UP!  prior to the trip! how cool is this!?

Founders circle tips booklet

I love all the tips and the cute presentation;  I have been sharing a tip a day with my Luv 2 Stamp Group on our business training facebook group!


I love my Stampin' UP! friends!!!! 🙂


The highlight of each Founder's Circle trip is to go to Kanab, to tour the Stampin' Up! manufacturing facility!  We love seeing the employees every year and seeing what's new and exciting at the facility!  This year they spoiled us with several gifts while we were there.. one of them was this beautiful Winter Wishes stamp set.   I asked several of the employees to sign mine as a keepsake! I love it!



After our visit to the Kanab facility, we always stop at the park in Kanab.. you can see on the ground that this is where they send lots of the excess rubber from our stamps!  how fun is that!? and it's SO COMFY to walk on!!

Fc 2015 group photo kanab

Well… this trip will have very bittersweet memories.. it's the last Founder's Circle event. Stampin' UP! will no longer be recognizing this group or rewarding us with this amazing trip.  I'm BLESSED to have been a part of this top 100 group of demonstrators for 8 years in a row but will miss this trip, my friends and visiting Kanab SO MUCH.  

I have one more Founder's Circle post to share with you later this week.  Thanks for reading!


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3 thoughts on “Patty’s Updates from Founder’s Circle 2015 – part 2”

  1. Good morning Patty, Thanks so much for sharing your photos. I found you in the group picture. lol, you’re not short,I’m SHORT, only 4′ 9 1/2″. I see you got a picture with Diane Dimich. I know 2 from around where I live was there, Jody Brechbil and Susan Itell. Don’t know if you have ever met them before. o glad you had a great time. I was just wondering why they aren’t having this Founder’s trip anymore. That’s sad. Have a great day Patty. It’s really cloudy here in Pa. so I guess rain for today. Not complaining. We really need it.

  2. Hi Patty,
    Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. It looks like a very nice rewarding experience to ones who have really worked hard and deserve it. Again thanks again for all you do for us. It is very sad that you will not be rewarded this way again. Keep smiling.
    Best wishes,


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