Organizing Tip for Stampin’ Up! Accessories


Whether you have a large craft room, or just a tabletop or desk, or anything in between, I am guessing you love to have "the crafting essentials" right at your fingertips like I do!  I love to keep Stampin' Up! Accessories like pearls, rhinestones, candy dots, dimensionals, and more, right on my desk.

This is the storage solution that I have on my crafting desk for my most used Stampin' UP! Accessories!

Organizing tip for your craft room: how to store Stampin' Up! Accessories to have them at your fingertips on your crafting table!  by Patty Bennett

The container is a Linus brand 3-section divided cabinet drawer organizer from The Container Store #10048913, (see photo below).  The dividers are Staples brand ultra durable poly file folders.  I used them for my thinlit die storage dividers (here) and also for 3 of these accessory containers and I still have tons left from the package.


Organizing Supplies from the Container Store and Staples for Patty's Stampin' UP! accessory organizer

I cut the dividers into 4" strips then into varying heights so that some divider tabs were shorter in front and others were taller in back (with the taller accessory packages).

Both in my Accessory organizer above and my thinlit die storage below, I used my Brother P-touch labeler.  I got it at Sam's Club. .. don't know how I ever lived without it!

See the product photos at the bottom of this post for the items I am keeping in my Accessory Organizer.  The nice thing about these poly/plastic file folder dividers is that the labels will just peel right off if something retires and I need to make a new label for new products!

Tip for organizing your Stampin' Up! accessories - keep them right at your fingertips on your crafting desk! by Patty Bennett. Poly File folders from Staples, cut into dividers.

These are the same poly file folders I used to made dividers for my Stamp-n-Storage thinlit die storage (see the full blog post HERE)


How To Organize big shot framelits from Stampin Up by pattystamps


If you'd like to see all of my craft room organization tips and craft room tour, please click on the resources below:


How do you like to organize and store your Stampin' UP! accessories?


 Stampin' Up! Accessories in my Organizer:



SHOP ONLINE: If you need any Stampin' Up! crafting supplies,  click to go to my online store.

QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please leave me a comment!

NEED A CATALOG?: Please allow me to send you one if you don't already have a demonstrator!  Leave me a comment or send me an email;

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21 thoughts on “Organizing Tip for Stampin’ Up! Accessories”

  1. You are so organized! I don’t have a system. I have thirty-one baskets in my Ikea Expedit shelving unit, and I just toss stuff in the baskets. My corner of the family room looks nice and neat, and I do know where everything is, but if someone were to pull one of those baskets out, it would look like a jumble to them!

  2. Good evening Patty, I have a question… What did you use to cut the poly file folders? I was going to get some file folders but I wanted to know how to cut them first????? I have the Stamp And Storage thinlet die storage with the magnetic boards,,, I LOVE IT,,,,, I Love how you have your file folders. GREAT idea. Another question,,, Do you have any idea when the It’s My party Enamel Dots will be back in stock???? Thank you for all the great ideas and have a great night.

  3. and now … the container store is puzzling over why linus item # #10048913 is flying off its shelves. wow. GREAT idea. just picked one up this morning. it will be so nice to have some of my bellies stored in ONE place instead of four.
    wonderful storage tips, patty!
    jo ann.

  4. Love this idea for handy storage! I have tried various ways with little success. This idea seems to be the one for me, finally!!

  5. The one accessory that I use way more than anything are the dimensionals. I just love everything about them and especially their efficient use of space. Nothing is wasted! Of course I love the bling as well and who wouldn’t love the candy dots? I do many my stash organized, but not like yours. Would love to have all my bling in one place like this. Now, if only you could get a bang on storage for washi. Currently mine is on a large embroidery hoop. Beautiful accessory and I think it will travel but I have so much one hoop doesn’t hold it all. Cindy McCool, Montara, California (which is 22 miles south of SF).

  6. Very interesting organizational ideas. Thanks for sharing. I use the Stampin’ Dimensionals probably the most….they are the best. Always sticky. I even use the pieces around the edges. WHo knows that the shape is a little different underneath.
    My challenge is how to store ribbons…takes up so much space…Anyway, love your blog ideas. thanks.
    Do you have the labels template for all the items for download? I’d love that. Haven’t gotten around yet to labeling containers.

  7. First I would like to thank you for making such a wonderful giveaway. I do need organization and the files would be great. If I am not lucky enough to win the originals at least I can make my own. As far as the dots and bling you never have enough. Dimensionals are a must for any card.

  8. Thank you so much, Patty. I have been moving my embellishments here and there and noe I think you have given me what I need. Thank you, thank you.
    Jan Rinaldi, Novato, CA

  9. I use rhinestones the most with pearls a close second. Thanks for the great storage ideas! I would be so honored to win a prize, so Thank-you in advance if I’m the lucky winner!!
    Citrus Heights, California

  10. love this storage solution. I just need to clean out some space to put it. I use dimensionals and rhinestones the most. I would love to win this to help get me started.

  11. Love this idea and will be hitting both stores this weekend! I currently keep everything in the cabinet drawers in my craft room. This would be an easy container to tuck out of sight when not in use.

  12. Congrats . I can’t wait to get the stamp set. I am sure it will be used alot. My aunt was a 20 survivor. My daughter an I do alot of events to raise funds for Breaston Cancer. Please send me a copy of the different colors. Love your kdeas.


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