I'm so excited to share my newly organized Stampin' UP! ink pad storage system with you, featuring the Stamp-n-Storage ink pad holders!
For about 15 years I've used a similar, custom built, ink pad holder but it was a little bulkier and I needed 2 of them stacked to store all my ink pads. I'm so happy that now I can have all my pads just right out in front of me the way I like them!
Watch my video below for info on the great ink pad holders available at Stamp-n-Storage.
If you are unable to view the video, click here to see it on my YouTube Channel.
I love how streamlined these holders are, and that all my Stampin' UP! ink pads are at my fingertips!! You can paint or stain these.. so far I've opted to keep all of my Stamp-n-Storage products natural. Maybe someday I'll change that but I like the natural wood look for now. Thank you so much Stamp-n-Storage for these fabulous ink pad organizers!! It is true that you are more creative and more productive when you are organized!!
As mentioned in the video above, I have two of the "24" holders and one of the "30" holders all lined up side by side so that I can have my 4 Stampin' UP! color families displayed horizontally in front of me. This is what works for me. Many people prefer the vertical orientation, but do what works for you and your space! When you go to the Stamp-n-Storage website ink pad holder page (here), you'll find several options as shown below:
When you click the Standard Ink Pad Holders option (Circled above) you'll find the dimensions below.. you can select from any of these sizes and shapes to store from 24 to 60 ink pads. I've circled the 2 sizes that I have (shown in the video above).
As you can see there are LOTS of options offered by Stamp-n-Storage for your ink pad storage, and this is what worked best for me. Measure your space, count your ink pads, then find a solution that works well for you!
And because everyone should have fresh flowers at their crafting desk….
Important and useful links:
- Stamp-n-Storage website
- Ink Pad Holders on Stamp-n-Storage
- video for creating a shim/spacer for smaller ink pads
- My Stamp-n-Storage Project Life Card organizer
- My Stamp-n-Storage paper/cardstock organizers
- My Stamp-n-Storage wafer die storage
Stampin' UP! also offers an ink pad storage solution called the Color Caddy (here). As I mentioned in the video, we all have different preferences and space requirements, so select an option that works best for your space!
Click any of the photos below to shop for your Stampin' UP! Ink Pads, or the Color Caddy!
SHOP ONLINE: If you need any Stampin' Up! crafting supplies click to go to my online store.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please leave me a comment!
NEED A CATALOG?: Please allow me to send you one if you don't already have a demonstrator! Leave me a comment or send me an email; PattyStamps@comcast.net
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What a great video Patty, thanks. Could you please post directions for the penguin card shown on top of your old ink pad storage? He is adorable.
What a great alternative idea to the usual vertical storage! TFS and great video of how it works for your stampin’ space!! 🙂
That’s great Patty; thank for the “closer look” on these.
Thanks to your video, I do now see the finger notches, for the first time… but have always wondered and worried about the spacing between the levels being too tight and so difficult to be able to easily grab and pull out the pads. To see those notches, I suppose that isn’t the case? How easy is it to remove a pad from the central areas?
Thanks so much! Enjoy your organized, new space! Cheers!
P.S. I LOVE it when folks post ALL the specifics and details, such as your having circled the pieces you’d bought! Things like that are so helpful! You’re always terrific; thanks for that, Patty! 🙂
Beautiful! So nice to be more condensed and love that it leaves a perfect space for displaying your family photos and of course your fresh flowers. Gonna have to see if I can incorporate these into my space. I’ve been using some wall mount wire CD racks for about 15 years and am sick of them. They are are really tight on the pads making it hard to get them in/out. TFS!
Great idea for your stamp pads can I ask how you then store your ink refills? I am still working on my room but hope one day to be able to fit Stamp n Storage in my craft room 🙂
Are you interested in selling your old ink pad storage boxes? I wish I could afford the others, but would love to have horizontal storage. I am a new SU demo just getting started so trying to build a system for my craft room.
I received my stamp pad holders yesterday and I love them. I just need one more. Now I am inspired to makeover the rest of my craftroom . I have ordered paper storage and look forward to cleaning up my cluttered paper shelves. Thank you for all your inspiration on your blog.
I am interested in where you purchased the shelf that your ink pads sit on. That looks like it would be very useful.