It's time… time to start making a list for Santa for all the Stampin' Up! Crafting and Stamping Supplies you want for Christmas this year!
I can help make that so easy… just print and fill out this Stampin' Up! Wish List then give it to your loved ones or friends and ask them to contact me to place an order for you! I can ship it direct to them, or to anyone. If you are local, I'll have it shipped here and WRAP IT FOR THEM too!
Include shipping info or phone # for me to contact you for payment.
Download Print it here!!
Download Stampin Up Christmas Wish List from Patty Bennett
Or, maybe you want to give a Stampin' Up! gift or Gift Certificate to a friend.. I can help you with that too!
For a Friend…
I will be delighted to create a custom Gift Certificate of any amount for you to give to your crafty friends this Christmas!
Just email me anytime so I can help you with gift giving this year!
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