5 Days Only – Fast Fuse Sale!

Buy a Fast Fuse Adhesive and receive 2 FREE Fast Fuse Refills!


5 days only: February 8 to February 12, 2018

while supplies last!!


Click HERE to Buy Now!


No limit!! Buy 2 and get 4 refills!!  Buy 3 and get 6 refills! While supplies last!


  Fast fuse sale feb 2018 buy 1 get 2 refills free stampin up pattystamps

 Fast Fuse #129026


I am SO excited that the Fast Fuse Refills are on special, you can see by this photo that it's my #1 favorite amazingly wonderful Stampin' Up! adhesive product!!!  I find it is the best adhesive for all of my card making and paper crafting needs!


  Stampin UP! Fast Fuse Adhesive refill special!  Feb. 8 to 20, 2018 shop #129026 at www.MyStampOrder.com

Did I mention I LOVE Fast Fuse? 🙂


Q&A: I had some questions about additional tips for using Fast Fuse, and how to make it work smoothly.


  1. Watch the video below for tips
  2. Use a VERY LIGHT touch when applying your Fast Fuse.. you do NOT need to press down hard on your paper
  3. When you open up the 2 halves of the case (when you are going to put in a refill) there should be 3 pins/knobs inside.. if one has broken off due to wear and tear or a heavy hand when applying, it may be time to buy a new case. .it's important that all 3 pins/knobs are there
  4. When you put in a refill, be sure there are no glue gobs at the tip where the fast fuse comes out.. if you see any, pull them off with your fingers
  5. After every few refills (after 2 or 3 refills) get some Goo Gone on a paper towel and really clean off the case near where the fast fuse comes out.. you need to keep the glue gobs off of the case to make it run smoothly
  6. If all else fails, you may need to buy a new case and start fresh .. you will notice a big difference if any of the tips above are not helping

 I filmed this video 3 years ago when Fast Fuse was new to the Stampin' UP! product line.. I hope you find the tips helpful!



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3 thoughts on “5 Days Only – Fast Fuse Sale!”

  1. Hi Cathy.. i was surprised as well that it was so popular.. it lasted about 8 hours, from midnight to about 8am MT. So glad that everyone loves this great adhesive, but disappointed for those who did not get a chance to take advantage of the offer!


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