2018 Holiday Catalog Paper Share Update


Great News!!

The 2018 Holiday Catalog paper shares will all go out a few days earlier than anticipated!!

  Stampin' UP! Holiday catalog paper share update from Patty Bennett www.PattyStamps.com


Original Schedule:

August 29, 2018: I will email PayPal invoices to everyone who has reserved a share, as each group of 4 fills up.

Sept. 5, 2018: I will place a Stampin' UP! order for all the paper for everyone who has Paid their invoice.

Sept. 12 – 19, 2017: I will cut, sort, label and repackage all of the paper for you.

Beginning  Sept. 20th: I will print Paypal labels, and Paper Shares will be mailed back out, if there are no backorders.

UPDATED Schedule:

all paper shares should be out by TODAY!!! yay!!


Thank you for being a part of my paper share this year!

Pattystamps patty bennett stampin up demonstrator since 1995

If you missed the paper share but would like to purchase the Designer paper from the 2018 Holiday catalog, click any product photo below.. it will take you directly to my Stampin' UP! online store!







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